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Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:20 pm
by loki J Lo
Your a cube shaped animal and you have to eat others to mutate, become the king of all cubivores, and save the wilderness. Its an awesome game, some say it has horrible graphics but i like the graphics. Just because a game doesn't have incredible graphics doesn't mean it has horrible graphics :P

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 10:34 pm
by Zantalos
Spore looks so awsome. After having this video playing in the background as I kept reading posts, I got more and more enthusiastic about the game that I finally just stopped and spent the next hour watching this video. It just looks so much more dynamic then what we've been used to that I was just shocked that such a creation could have been made. The content design was really a great concept, allowing players to generate worlds with each other while at the same time, not competing against each other. All the procedural based effects and animations made the editor look so fluid, that any one can make their perfect creature for fun. Looking forward to any updates on Spore, I'll definitely be checking this game out when it gets released.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 11:02 pm
by Zantalos
Hey check it out!
Since it's E3, they showed some more games in development. And so, there's an actual trailer for Spore now, staring the main animals that Will Wright created and interacted with on his little show-off thingy a year ago.

Here it is, I don't have a real link, so you'll have to click the video manually (man that sucks, you have to use Gamespot's player). It's looks like it sums up everything they had showed off at their game conference (which took like an hour and a half), into a little one-minute cartoony animated video.

Edit: man I'm so clueless, I forgot to put in the link!

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 4:36 pm
by lpod100
that is really cool! :D