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Re: Member photos

Post by adwuga » Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:22 pm

I know that you knew, but I don't know if they know that you knew.
Assaultman67 wrote:adwuga, you just need to chill out on the randomness. You tend to insult people, say incoherent things, and post somewhat off-putting things (such as a furry action avatar)

Some randomness can be fun for a while, but too much randomness just gets tiresome. Add insults and people will definitely get upset with you.

If you just chill out and contribute to the conversation occasionally rather than try to say the most random thing that can come to your head you will be more liked.

I find that using your anonymity to being more open about your opinions on subjects and expressing your feeling in a coherent way is a lot more rewarding than giving into the temptation of being an Internet Fuckwad.

If Renegade_Turner can change from a super troll to a regular user, you can too.
Well, the randomness is just how I think, but I'll try and tone it back. In real life I insult whoever I feel like, but in real life I guess it's more obvious that I'm kidding. This probably means I won't post much, since I don't have much to say. I'll be low profile from now on (get it? Look at my profile picture) But that's enough about me.

As for hugging, I'm comfortable hugging anyone(Oh wait, that was about me). I hug other guys too. Hugging fathers is normal in my culture, and I guess because of that, hugging just seems normal.

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Re: Member photos

Post by Assaultman67 » Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:56 pm

Count Roland wrote:I hate hugging people, they always feel so fragile, I feel like I'm going to break them, especially girls. It's the same thing with pets, I feel like I'm going to crush them whenever people expect me to pet them.
You're hugging too hard.

There is a method to hugging affectionately. You have to embrace them in a way where your arms aren't just noodles, but you don't want to put them in a vice. Applying enough pressure to let them know they're important to you but not enough to cause any discomfort.

It's hard to explain ...

Maybe it's because i put so much affection into hugging people that it become really awkward when i don't perceive them as being close enough to me. :? :P

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Re: Member photos

Post by Renegade_Turner » Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:57 pm

Adwuga, I'm sure in real life you're a cool dude, in some kind of odd reality where insulting whomever you please is a good way to get by.

Assman, it's a strange and somehow touching thing to see one man trying to help another man to give better hugs. Aww you guys. Can I call you Billy Gunn? Pleeeeeease.

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Re: Member photos

Post by adwuga » Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:39 am

I'm practical about who I insult, and it's always very clear it's a joke. I usually insult myself too. I also don't do it at inappropriate times, where it could hurt or adversely affect anyone. No one(well mostly no one) thinks of me as an asshole or someone to avoid. I insult in an uninsulting way. And it's not like that's my only form of interaction. I'm generally nice to everyone, but being incredibly immature, I enjoy insulting some of them, but I do it in a way that isn't annoying or offensive. Is it so wrong to enjoy yourself if it does not cause anything bad upon anyone else? It just doesn't translate through text(and the only way to be nice online is by helping those who ask, which I do). And good job being an asshole to me for trying to stop being an asshole to the community. Are you no longer retired?

And Assaultman was just trying to help. Everyone can use help sometimes, it's the better people who use that help. Instead of attacking him based on your belief of socially acceptable behavior which came about through mythology and ignorance(you are making fun of the "homosexual behavior", right?), maybe you could take his advice, since hugging is the best way to show compassion at a lower level, as in "I'm happy to see you!"(not I LOVE YOU!), or something similar. If you don't hug, people get the feeling you are cold, and they will create hard to break impressions that are not necessarily(but in your case probably are) true.

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Re: Member photos

Post by Assaultman67 » Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:55 am

About that short guy I was talking about earlier ...

I just checked up on him on facebook ... It seems he's doing amateur UFC fights now X_X

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Re: Member photos

Post by Renegade_Turner » Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:48 am

adwuga wrote:And Assaultman was just trying to help. Everyone can use help sometimes, it's the better people who use that help. Instead of attacking him based on your belief of socially acceptable behavior which came about through mythology and ignorance(you are making fun of the "homosexual behavior", right?), maybe you could take his advice, since hugging is the best way to show compassion at a lower level, as in "I'm happy to see you!"(not I LOVE YOU!), or something similar. If you don't hug, people get the feeling you are cold, and they will create hard to break impressions that are not necessarily(but in your case probably are) true.
Haha...what? Wasn't I the one who was saying I hugged my friends? Where was I attacking him based on my "belief of socially acceptable behavior". Also, what mythology are you on about? None of this made any fact, let me quote myself:
Renegade_Turner wrote:I find it a relief when I find friends who aren't insecure about giving a hug. I came home to find a friend of mine in a bit of an emotionally vulnerable state last night. All people need sometimes is a hug to make them feel like someone else gives a shit. And I hate the awkwardness of people towards each other.
It's funny to see you try to create the illusion of conflict between me and Assaultman when no such conflict has existed for a long time. That's very petty. Please stop it.

Also, if any of what I've said to you seems to you like I'm being the asshole, then it's a very strange reality you live in.

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Re: Member photos

Post by adwuga » Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:11 am

Renegade_Turner wrote:Assman, it's a strange and somehow touching thing to see one man trying to help another man to give better hugs. Aww you guys. Can I call you Billy Gunn? Pleeeeeease.
I thought this was attacking him...
I guess I was wrong :oops: . Sorry. I wasn't trying to create conflict. I thought this was calling him gay, which is often considered socially unacceptable because of religion and the ignorance of people. At least in America, where the gay marriage is illegal in some states.

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Re: Member photos

Post by Renegade_Turner » Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:30 am

In Ireland same-sex marriage is illegal everywhere. There are same-sex civil unions/partnerships, but marriage is still prohibited for some reason. Ireland is very devoutly Roman Catholic, you see. Or, well, it used to be.

And yes, you were wrong. How is it calling him gay? That's in your head. I was genuinely amused to see him say it, and respected it greatly.

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Re: Member photos

Post by Assaultman67 » Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:05 am

Perhaps it was you calling me assman?

Honestly, that mistake is so common I don't even derive any meaning from it anymore.

Hmm ... as for explaining this to adwuga ...

I guess its easier to tell when hes sarcastic. His personality is a little more predictable.

Honestly, just tone down on the randomness, don't feel afraid to speak your honest opinion on subjects (just don't take it personally when people disagree), and you'll do just fine.

I would really hate it if you actually left because it would make me feel bad for participating in driving you out of the community. I'm just trying to help you fit in better with some criticism.
Renegade_Turner wrote:... And yes, you were wrong. How is it calling him gay? That's in your head. I was genuinely amused to see him say it, and respected it greatly.
I am ... horribly nice ... It's like a disorder. If I ignore people who I think might need help I end up beating myself up for not helping. Lately, I've really started to question why I do this and whether or not I should continue to do so. Society just doesn't reward kind people and it's not like I'm particularly religious or anything that would dictate that I should be nice.

The saying "Nice guys finish last." is painfully true.

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Re: Member photos

Post by Jacktheawesome » Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:37 am

I like hugs...

Also Adwuga the thing is there was a point about a month ago where you turned from the generally cool guy you have always been to what appeared to be a cheap attention whore, and the change was very jolting. This isn't an Adwuga witchhunt, I think we all just were fine with the way you were before, and are wondering why you need to post really random things for attention. It's annoyin'.

I just noticed the height discussion that was going on earlier. I was wondering about that myself the other day and I found this.

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Re: Member photos

Post by adwuga » Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:33 am

You're all kind of repeatedly shitting on me, but like I said before, I'll try and change.

As to the short thing, despite being average height, people who are older and taller call me short, and it is indeed irritating. Still, actually being short is probably different.

Also, that article you posted is kind of mean, making it scientifically worse to be shorter. At least if you are short, you can stealth better, and you probably circulate blood better. Here is an article to cheer any short people up. ... eing-short

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Re: Member photos

Post by Freshbite » Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:43 am

For anyone who would like a reference,

I'm turning 20 years old by Thursday.
I am currently 162 cm tall, and has been since I was of age 11.

It was the most bothered by my length during the highers years of my primary education (pre-highschool), when I was about 13-15 years old. My little brother has been taller than me since I was 15, he's three years younger than me.

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Re: Member photos

Post by Renegade_Turner » Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:28 am

Assaultman67 wrote:Perhaps it was you calling me assman?

Honestly, that mistake is so common I don't even derive any meaning from it anymore.
It wasn't a mistake. It was an inside joke. I thought you'd get the reference. :[

Anyway, why would Assman be insulting? That's like being named after Billy Gunn. That's awesome.

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Re: Member photos

Post by Jacktheawesome » Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:34 pm

I'm 15 1/2, 5'9-ish (around 1.77 m for you European types) and still growing. I have no problem really with short people, but I'd kind of like to be 6 feet (1.82 m). No taller than that though, I don't want to have back problems when I'm old.

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Re: Member photos

Post by Assaultman67 » Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:56 pm

My great grandfather was 6' 6" and never had back problems. He lived to be 96 years old and did manual labor his entire life.

Shit, when I was a kid, I remember chopping wood with him and not being able to keep up.

Anywho, long story short, being tall does not give you back problems.

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