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Volliod - A Multiplayer Freerunning FPS with Dinos

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 8:18 pm
by thevraptor
Heeeello errbody!

I just made this post to tell everyone about the game I'm working on, which is called Volliod. Its like if Mirror's Edge was multiplayer, had a Superhot-esque art style and was crawling with tons of raptors and pterodactyls.

It is currently under development, I've only been working on it for a few months. We are however about to build a pre alpha and we need testers. There are multiple ways you can become one. One of the ways to become one is to be one of the first 25 people to track our game on Indie DB ( and there are ONLY 2 SPOTS LEFT. You can also give us input and ideas on the game.

We would also appreciate it if we got some people to contribute to the game. Almost all of our current models are placeholder, and we would have much thanks if you made a model and/or animated one of ours. Please PM me if you want to help out.

I don't have any screenshots for you guys because we are currently preparing to build the pre alpha, but we will once its done. Have a nice day! :D

Re: Volliod - A Multiplayer Freerunning FPS with Dinos

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 8:59 am
by AmorphousGamer
Sounds really cool. I've never used that site you linked and it has a godawful layout + color scheme, so I'll pass.
If you give me a better means of learning about the game, however, I'm all for intuitive new indie games.

Re: Volliod - A Multiplayer Freerunning FPS with Dinos

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 12:27 pm
by Korban3
Shhh, it's ok indiedb. Shh... it's ok. He didn't mean it.

Re: Volliod - A Multiplayer Freerunning FPS with Dinos

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:16 pm
by thevraptor
AmorphousGamer wrote:Sounds really cool. I've never used that site you linked and it has a godawful layout + color scheme, so I'll pass.
If you give me a better means of learning about the game, however, I'm all for intuitive new indie games.
Well, I posted about the game in the Superboss Games forum, but that says the same things this post does. I do have a youtube channel for the games I work on, ( but since this is my first game there is only one video, and it's one second long and is of a weapon animation. So, not really.

Re: Volliod - A Multiplayer Freerunning FPS with Dinos

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 1:42 am
by Retarded Username
I don't mean to be rude, but I'm not really interested in a couple of promises and basic model block outs. Will there be a gameplay video anytime soon?

Oh and by the way, is there any concept art showing off this 'Superhot-esque' art style? I'd like to see that one!

Re: Volliod - A Multiplayer Freerunning FPS with Dinos

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:54 pm
by Mc Rex
Is there still a spot open for the testing? I'd like to help if I can.