Heartrage. not the only O.G. Fan Fic! 14! *trucks along*

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Heartrage. not the only O.G. Fan Fic! 14! *trucks along*

Post by Kestril » Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:18 am




Every now and then one or two things happen: My writing intuition and creativity seeps through, or I just get bored and start writing stuff. This is a combination of both. I've had the idea in my head awhile, and I figured I might as well put it down on some paper. And well, this came out. Originally, I just wrote the dang thing, but some parts were utter crap so I had to go back and edit them. Hopefully, you guys will like my first contribution to the Wolfire community, and hopefully I'll continue it. Or, you guys can just shoot me down with a 12 gauge and drag my bloody body back to be beaten for posting this on the forum in the first place.

I wasn't sure to put it in the Lugaru forum or randomness, but hey, I figure randomness is the safe way to go.


Running. Isaac chanced a look over his shoulder. Wolves. Three. Four, maybe. He wasn’t sure, but they were catching up. His paws were already carrying him as fast as they could go. Darting, diving, dipping through the dense forest foliage. Isaac’s lungs burned. He glanced over his shoulder again. A wolf’s mouth was open wide, ready to devour his puny neck. Isaac burst forward. He was safe for now, but he was tiring. Isaac focused his vision forward again, but it was too late, the forest had opened up wide forming a deep ravine, and Isaac fell into the giant wolf mouth at the canyon floor. It ended.

Panting, Isaac bolted out of bed. His oak brown fur was covered in a cold sweat. Quickly, He checked to see if indeed he was all there. Legs, check. Arms, check. Ears, check. White bushy tail, check. Just to be sure, he looked in the mirror, seeing a scared brown-furred, brown-eyed rabbit gaze back at him.
“Only a dream” He shakily said to himself, as he had a million times before, “Only a dream.” Carefully, he stood up on two feet. Isaac was ready for the day.

Outside, Isaac immerged from his quarters with a loose pair jeans on. He didn’t mind living here, the dojo that is, just south from the snowy mountains. The weather stayed sunny most of the time. The great mountains kept the storms coming from the north, but fresh, clear air breathed a vitality into the small place. Isaac really didn’t know anyplace else, as long as he could remember he had been stuck here, without parents. It did no good to wonder. He was here, he had been here, and he had to earn his keep here. End of story.

Isaac’s usual morning schedule consisted of looking after the toddlers until the sky was fully blue, breakfast, then helping take inventory of the dojo’s cellars, and finally fetching water from a well in the foothills of the great mountains. These chores were not unusual of a rabbit Eighteen seasons old. Nineteen seasons was the usual age for a young rabbit to quit these chores and move on to more meaningful ones, as well as beginning more in-depth and advanced training. Nineteen seasons of age was also the age where a rabbit got to meet the dojo master for the first time, in person. Isaac couldn’t wait.

The youngsters had been no trouble at all. Isaac kept good natured and upbeat throughout that period, leading them on a great ‘sea’ expedition. Breakfast was uneventful. The cellars were boring, as usual. Next up was the well. With a small sigh Isaac slung a bucket over his shoulder, and set out for the well. The path had proven to be safe enough, but it wasn’t the path that worried him. It was his dream. His dream haunted him. Every night the same images flashed through his mind. The same terror raced through his body. The same shock jolted his heart every time he bolted out of bed in the morning. It was the wolves.

As he hiked up towards the well, Isaac couldn‘t help but shiver at the thought of wolves. He knew that the wolves had been driven from the island one hundred years ago by some Turner guy, but then why did he keep having that dream? The exact same dream? Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, a bush shifted.

“Now you’re just scaring yourself.” Isaac mumbled to calm himself down, “probably just the wind, anyway, there shouldn’t be any wolves out here I mean-”
The bush shifted again. Less noticeably, but nevertheless twitched. Isaac picked up the pace a little. He could hear careful footsteps behind him. Something was definitely there. Isaac broke out into a two legged sprint away from his assailant. He could hear whatever it was break free of the bush and dart after him. Now on four legs, Isaac poured on the speed, to no use. It was gaining. Isaac panicked, I won’t be able to run forever. It’ll catch up. It’ll be a wolf and I’ll die. I’ll die I’ll die I’ll die. Isaac felt something smash into him from behind. He the force rocketed him off balance. Whatever it was, it held on, and they crashed through the forest undergrowth. Isaac shut his eyes tight.

“Barely got ya that time.” A familiar voice remarked, “gee Isaac, you take off like a sparrow.” Isaac opened one eye, and stared blankly at his pursuer’s face, then exhaled the breath he’d unwarily been holding. It was Tribly, his brown strip of fur comically cutting his white-furred face and backside in half.

Isaac opened his other eye, “What are you doing here? You just passed you’re nineteenth season. You’re supposed to be in advanced training!”

“And miss all the fun here with you?” Tribly chuckled, “And you sure did take off like a sparrow.”

“Aw. Get off it!” Isaac playfully shoved his cheerful pursuer. Back on two feet, Isaac saw that they had indeed tumbled through the forest quite a distance. A clear path had been carved into the undergrowth. The bucket was lost. Isaac sighed, “We’d better find that bucket. Anyway, did you meet him?”

“Who?” Tribly asked, his ears twitching a little.

Isaac couldn’t believe it. It had all they’d been looking forward to since they came of eighteen seasons, “The dojo master. Who else?”

“Oh.” Tribly said, his eyes more somber, “Yeah. It’s not what you’d expect it to be.”

“How so?” Isaac asked, curious.

“Can’t tell you.” Tribly evaded, “ But I can tell you that if we find that bucket quick we might be able to spar a little before they expect us back.”

Disheartened, and after a few minuets of thorough sifting through the underbrush, Isaac nearly tripped over the bucket they had been looking for, “Found it.” He said plainly.

Tribly couldn‘t help it, “Looks like you don’t need me around to find a ways to hurt yourself.”

Isaac rolled his eyes, “Lets go.”

Feedback is appreciated, just as long as it's motivational and or constructive.

Either give me a "You Rock!" or a "this is how you could do better. . ." or both.
Last edited by Kestril on Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:59 pm, edited 20 times in total.

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Re: No title yet, call it a lugaru fan fic.

Post by Count Roland » Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:44 am

hahah I liked it, though the some turner guy thing seems a little off somehow. I mean just the some and the guy thing seemed out of place I guess.

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Re: No title yet, call it a lugaru fan fic.

Post by Kestril » Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:07 pm

Ah, an update.

Oh, and a word to the Wolfire team, I'd be honored if a rabbit. Any rabbit could be named Tribly or Isaac in Overgrowth.


Soon they moved into an open clearing to spar. Isaac was a little tense in anticipation, but Tribly seemed relaxed, loose even. The pair respectfully bowed to each other and took their positions on opposite sides of the clearing.

“You ready Brownie?” Tribly joked. It was a nickname Isaac resented, but it didn’t stop Tribly from using it at every convent moment.

Isaac rolled his eyes, “Come on Stripe.” It wasn’t as catchy, but hey, what else can you do?

“Looser gets the bucket.” Tribly shot back.

They charged at each other. Tribly opened with a roundhouse. Isaac ducked the blow and followed with a sweep kick only to miss Tribly by pewlengths. Isaac quickly leapt back from a probable follow-up, but Tribly held back, “You think too much. React. Don’t anticipate.”

They circled each other for a moment. Isaac’s stance kept low and defensive, while Tribly seemed to bounce to an unheard tune. Tribly faked left. Isaac anticipated, preparing to block to his right, and ended up getting playfully tapped under the chin.
“Really?” Tribly challenged, “React.”
Tribly tried the same maneuver. This time Isaac reacted, blocked the blow, and pulled Tribly toward his outstretched leg, tripping him. Tribly smoothly rolled out of the counter.
Tribly‘s ears perked up, “Better! Now for the real stuff.”
Isaac tried advancing with a series of punches, but he always seemed to find his attacks deflected in a direction he didn’t want them to go. Soon enough Tribly grasped one blow, and lead Isaac into a jarring impact into the ground. Isaac wordlessly picked himself up, and the fight ensued.

It was clear that Tribly was the better fighter, but Isaac held his own. At points the fight seemed to flow from move to countermove to counter-countermove, and at other times it seemed to be one-sided in Tribly’s favor. Finally, Tribly pinned Isaac against a tree, and the fight ended.

Pinned, Isaac said, “Alright, Alright, you won. Now, where’s that bucket?” Tribly let go, and they looked around, somehow the fight had carried them far from the familiar clearing. Neither Isaac nor Tribly knew this part of the encroaching forest.

“Maybe that way?” Tribly said blankly.

Isaac sighed, “Great. Now we’re lost. No thanks to you.”

“It’s not my fault you roll kicked me out of the clearing.” Tribly retorted.

“Stop arguing, It doesn’t help us get out of here any faster.”

“I’m not arguing.”

“Yeah you are!”


“See! That’s arguing!”

Cornered, Tribly conceded. “Whatever.”

“Fine.” Isaac huffed.

Tribly couldn’t resist, “Hey, Isaac.”

“What, you find a pretty flower or somethi-” Isaac said as he turned around, but was cut short as both of Tribly’s feet slammed into him in a massive drop kick. Isaac launched backwards, Cutting through the forest leaves at blinding speed. He slammed into something metal with a loud clang. Wait, metal? Isaac thought he fought off unconsciousness. Then the world blacked out.

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Re: No title yet, call it a lugaru fan fic.

Post by Sandurz » Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:12 pm

*shoots with 12 gauge*

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Re: No title yet, call it a lugaru fan fic.

Post by Kestril » Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:17 pm

*Crashes to the ground*

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Re: No title yet, call it a lugaru fan fic.

Post by Count Roland » Mon Jan 12, 2009 3:11 am

Sandurz wrote:*shoots with 12 gauge*
*shoots with 4 gauge*
http://www.tulatoz.ru/en/toz123.html for those of you interested.

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Re: No title yet, call it a lugaru fan fic.

Post by Sandurz » Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:14 pm

Just messin, its better than I could do, (not saying much) but I'm looking forward for the next part.

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Re: No title yet, call it a lugaru fan fic.

Post by MONKEYZ RULE » Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:37 pm

I really like this, Invertin had one at one time but he got bored with it.

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Re: No title yet, call it a lugaru fan fic.

Post by Kestril » Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:45 pm

You guys make it sound like you're worried that I won't write more. Don't worry, I'll work on it while I can, but I've got school and studies on top of this.

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Re: No title yet, call it a lugaru fan fic.

Post by Count Roland » Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:43 am

of course we're worried, the only decent lugaru fan fic (actually the others were ok) and every other one was all discontinued and crap. still seems a bit much to say you'd be honored if there were characters in OG being named after your characters. being new and all. would be cool though.

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Re: No title yet, call it a lugaru fan fic.

Post by tailsfanatic » Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:05 am

Wow. I'm loving this. Not only do you have a good story, you have good grammar/punctuation/usage. I saw only two errors that interrupted the flow of the reading.

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Re: No title yet, call it a lugaru fan fic.

Post by Kestril » Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:10 pm

Thanks for all the comments doods. I appreciate it.
Wow. I'm loving this. Not only do you have a good story, you have good grammar/punctuation/usage. I saw only two errors that interrupted the flow of the reading.
Would you mind telling me where they are?


Isaac painfully forced his eyes open. The sky had grown dark, and a faint orange glow emitted from the west. Dusk. Isaac’s head throbbed, his back hurt, and he had to make an extra effort to breath, not good. Isaac started to look around, but Tribly seemed to be nowhere in sight.

“Boo!” Tribly yelled into Isaacs ear. He had somehow snuck up while Isaac was looking in the other direction.

Isaac flinched, then gripped his ribcage in pain, “ Now you have to make me deaf too?”

“Sorry.” Tribly said, sincerely, “I thought that it wou-”

Isaac cut him off, “Thought what?”

Tribly all of a sudden seemed down, “Never mind. I’ve got a fire going back there, and some tasty roots waiting for you. Need help getting up?”

“I’ll manage.” Isaac dismissed him, and started to get up, collapsing again.

“Sorry. . . You sure? Because it looks like you need help.”

Finally, Isaac managed to get on all fours, “I’ll stay like this.”

Isaac limped along on four paws while Tribly stayed on two, occasionally babbling apologies and finally becoming silent. A few tense minuets later they made it to Tribly’s hastily constructed camp. It was functional enough, and as promised, a few roots were laid out for Isaac in front of the warm fire. Isaac munched in silence, too tired to argue and in too much pain to do anything else.

“If it makes you feel better, I wasn’t aiming for you to hit that big rock.” Tribly commented absently.

Isaac wrinkled his nose, puzzled, “That wasn’t a rock. It felt like some kind of metal.”

“This far in the forest?”

Isaac rolled his eyes, “I should know, I was the one that slammed into it.”

Tribly couldn’t help but chuckle, “Right. If you want I suppose we could check it out.”

“Sure, it was back there somewhere.“ Slowly, Isaac got up on two legs. His curiosity outweighed the fact that he just took a leg cannon to the chest. Soon they had retraced their steps back to the bolder. Moss and vines scaled the landmark, making it impossible to determine what lay underneath the dense foliage. Isaac put one ear to it and lightly knocked. The resolute sound of metal rang throughout the forest.

“Metal.” Isaac said simply.

Tribly seemed mystified, “Shouldn’t there be a plaque somewhere? I mean, who would put this thing in the forest without letting people know what it is?”

Instantly, the pair began to rip the years of overgrowth off the boulder. Isaac started at the bottom, heading upwards, while Tribly started at the top, coming down. It didn’t take long for Isaac to find the dedication.

“Hey! Tribly, found it! It says ‘Heroes of the land.’ That’s it.”

“Really?“ I’m almost done up here, you take the left, and then we’ll step back and see it all.”

The moon hung directly overhead. Together they pulled the last hardy vine off the relic, and gazed. Three eternal figures stood triumphantly before them. The middle one, cast in gold, was obviously Turner. He was forever frozen in time with a paw crushing a wolf’s neck under him. To the right of Turner stood a rabbit cast in silver, however the tip of his right ear was capped in gold. That rabbit seemed calm wielding a simple blade, but his eyes burned with a warrior’s intensity. Tribly gasped. Isaac flinched. The third and final figure was a wolf, also cast in silver, except for a deep scar crafted in gold over his left eye. The wolf’s stance seemed to radiate the control and authority of a master, yet still remained predetory. For a eternal moment the three figures kept their noble stance under the noble moonlight. A firefly brushed past.

“Wow.” Isaac whispered, unable to find any other word. Maybe Turner was real. Isaac heard enough legends of him, but he had always doubted that one rabbit could destroy a pack of wolves. He didn’t know much about the other two, but figured they were important nonetheless. All of a sudden his mind was flooded with questions: Why a wolf? What could a wolf possibly do? How? All of a sudden his chest started hurting again and Isaac plopped down on the ground.

Tribly approached the three silent heroes, “Whoever crafted this must’ve been a master. I mean, there’s hardly a flaw in it. Dang.” He finished, breathlessly.

“Yeah.” Isaac agreed. The whole thing seemed almost surreal in the moonlight.

“Whoa! The sword is real!” Tribly exclaimed, he had circled around the statues at least three times already, and had only just noticed the sword., “Maybe we could sneak it back to the dojo.”

It didn‘t take a genius to see the flaw in that plan, “You didn’t notice that before? Anyway, we’d never get it through sensei Tobais. Get real. Lets just leave it here. It‘s getting cold out anyway, and my head is starting to throb again.”

“Right.” Tribly sighed, “You need help up this time?”

“Yeah, that’d be great.”

The trip back to the camp was uneventful. The fire had long since burned down into a mound of glowing embers. They rekindled it and soon a cozy heat embraced the small camp, and soon they had fallen asleep.

Good writing aside, <.< U see what I did thar?

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Re: Title pending, 3 is up. (fan fic)

Post by MONKEYZ RULE » Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:40 pm

Awesome! And no I didn't. Wat did u do th4r?!?!1??1one??elvenquestionmark??1

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Re: Title pending, 3 is up. (fan fic)

Post by Kestril » Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:20 pm

Instantly, the pair began to rip the years of overgrowth off the boulder. Isaac started at the bottom, heading upwards, while Tribly started at the top, coming down. It didn’t take long for Isaac to find the dedication.
Instantly, the pair began to rip the years of overgrowth off the boulder.
rip the years of overgrowth off the boulder
years of overgrowth
Overgrowth, dangit!
Perfect word to use too, I thought I'd sneak it past some of ya'll.
Last edited by Kestril on Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Title pending, 3 is up. (fan fic)

Post by MONKEYZ RULE » Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:09 pm

Oh, I saw that, made me chuckle a little. Or in the words of a 12 year old "OMG IT MADE ME ROFLMAO!!!!!"

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