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Fallout: New Vegas

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 6:03 pm
by Healey
It's been quite awhile since I've posted. Good to be back.

I just pre-ordered at GameStop today, and am playing Fallout 3 like a freak to prepare. Hardcore mode is really what I'm shelling $60 bucks out for. Anybody else?

Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:55 am
by Dudeman
Meh, I'm not picking it up until some good mods come out. Base Bethesda games have never been for me.

However, once I do get it, I will look into adding the world of Fallout 3 to the new game, as an area that you can travel to. Shouldn't be too hard, as they use the same file types (ESP/ESM).

I'm not willing to give up the Capitol Wasteland just yet.

Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 4:34 am
by Jackrabbit
I'll definitely be getting Fallout new vegas.
I played Fallout 3(fallout 1 and 2 too), morrowind, oblivion, installed 100s of mods on all of them and played the hell out of them :lol:
I'm just in love with everything that has to do with bethesda :roll:
I'm certain that there will be all sorts of mods again so that'll keep me playing even more
however I didn't play fallout 3 that much, I always quit in between parts because the landscape is so big and... well.. SAD! and the worst part was that you had to walk and see all the destroyed things that once used to be beautiful untill you got map markers though :D

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:47 pm
by Zhukov
So... an Obsidian game made with Bethesda's engine?


It's going to be the buggiest game in the history of anything... ever.

I may pick it up in a year or so.


Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:10 pm
by Dudeman
Zhukov wrote:So... an Obsidian game made with Bethesda's engine?


It's going to be the buggiest game in the history of anything... ever.

I may pick it up in a year or so.

Part of my thought process as well.

Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:44 am
by Renegade_Turner
I remain cautiously optimistic.

Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:16 pm
by Blorx

Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 1:31 pm
by Renegade_Turner
It says in the info that it was all fixed by turning off anisotropic filtering. What a petty reason to not buy a game.

Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 3:29 pm
by Blorx
Renegade_Turner wrote:It says in the info that it was all fixed by turning off anisotropic filtering. What a petty reason to not buy a game.
This isn't the only bug Kotaku's heard about. It is one of the best ones, though. The dog eye bug and moonwalking dog are good, too. As are the phantom computers and the ceiling head.

Other bugs supposedly include error messages that the game's downloadable content cannot be found and save corruption issues.

Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:02 pm
by Dudeman
I, at least, am going to buy it, however I'm going to wait a little. I didn't buy either Oblivion or Fallout 3 until their GOTY Editions came out.

Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:40 pm
by Blorx
Oblivion and Fallout 3 were also not made by the same people that made Alpha Protocol. They also, for the most part, remained bug-free, unless you were searching for issues.

Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 7:33 pm
by Renegade_Turner
Obsidian made KOTOR2 and Neverwinter Nights 2. They were great. The PC version of Alpha Protocol was also apparently pretty decent from an RPG perspective, although apparently the combat and stealth mechanics were mediocre at best. I've heard a lot of good things about New Vegas already. You're always really snarky and stuck up about games. Be an optimist.

Also, Fallout 3 and Oblivion had plenty of bugs. I'm currently playing Oblivion extensively, and it has LOADS. In one game I can't complete a quest because a lady goes "Wait here I'll go get the Count." and then never comes back. I can follow the map marker to where she apparently went to summon him from, but she's just standing there by herself beside a bed. Buggyyyyy. Still a great game though, because I'm not stuck up about these things. =P They can't fix everything.

Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:01 pm
by Blorx
Renegade_Turner wrote:You're always really snarky and stuck up about games. Be an optimist.
I'm not even going to start on how ironic it is that that's coming from you.

Not spending time writing up long posts that are going to be picked apart.

Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:09 pm
by Renegade_Turner
When am I snarky and stuck up about games? Tell me how it's ironic. As far as I can remember I'm more often than not very open-minded and optimistic about games whereas you always seem quick to cut games down, usually without playing them (like now).

Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:32 pm
by SamW
He is just saying, in no super mathematical, logistically proven terms.

You like to pick apart other people posts on this forum.
You just trashed him for picking at the games bugs.
You may say they are different things, but isn't that just being picky?

Now does that show irony? Some say yes.
Do you care? I don't think you ever care, so no.
Renegade_Turner wrote:Also, Fallout 3 and Oblivion had plenty of bugs. I'm currently playing Oblivion extensively, and it has LOADS. In one game I can't complete a quest because a lady goes "Wait here I'll go get the Count." and then never comes back. I can follow the map marker to where she apparently went to summon him from, but she's just standing there by herself beside a bed. Buggyyyyy. Still a great game though, because I'm not stuck up about these things. =P They can't fix
That's Bethesda's scripting engine for you, so many variables, so many ways for it to go wrong, no way to make sure it doesn't go wrong or force it to not go wrong. but I did fix your text.

I think that animation glitch is hilarious. I would tell the developers to keep it as an easter egg somewhere.