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Post by human_dictionary » Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:55 am

maybe they should add quick-time effects for big fights or bosses. i mean, fighting any more than 2 enemies at once is really, really hard. i think quick-time would produce some really awesome slo-mo battles where enemy attacks *slo-mo* *right click shows on screen* you block at normal speed and follow up with a decimating punch etc. (i am not even sure what quick time is btw, but i have a good idea)

also, maybe they should implement disarms after you dodge a weapon attack. i have played mirrors edge for a while and i love just to disarm people, but the ME combat isn't very intuitive and can be hard, even with crap AI.

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Re: quick-time

Post by ColeusRattus » Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:45 am

I have to disagree.QTEs are amongst the things in modern gaming I detest the most, for various reasons:

1) They take away control: It's not you doing awesome things, it's watching a cutscene that...
2) you can't actually watch and enjoy because you need to look out for input prompts rather than admire the cinematic action.
3) They're not fun. If they were more fun than the actual gameplay, they woul BE the actual gameplay.
4) There's no skill whatsoever involved in "press X not to die".
5) Yet they can be frustrating. While you usually don't have to backtrack as much as when you fail in ordinary gameplay, watching the same scene being carried out exactly the same way frustrates and bores with the second try. Some games even have you backtrack before the QTE, adding insult to injury.
6) They're actually hard to do right. Make them too "hard", as in, the time to react too short, and they're insanely frustrating, because they become a game of memorizing button presses through trial and error. Make them too lenient, and they just distract you from a cinematic.

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Re: quick-time

Post by SiHy_ » Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:35 am

Quick time events!? Oh god please no! Get them away! Aaaargh!

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Re: quick-time

Post by UnrealBlitZ » Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:49 am

I think human dictionary is referring to a more prevalent use of "slow time" (tab). I think adding some sort of crutch you could toggle on and off while fighting large mobs would be nice. You could also implement a hotkey used for snapping the camera to the next immediate threat. This way it leaves you in control while allowing the player to analyze the current situation and deem the best strategy. Think, some form of red dead redemption's dead eye) I think it could add a level of accessibility to the game while also give the engine an opportunity to show off some of its graphical capabilities to the player. What do you think?

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Re: quick-time

Post by human_dictionary » Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:57 am

in ME, they have 'reaction time' which you earn which gives you a short, slo-mo opportunity, but i was thinking that when fighting large groups, you would usually have to do a series of very quick blocks and attacks, which would be awesome to see in slo-mo, it MIGHT look a little better if they improve the target selection system to allow you to focus on 1 enemy at a time.

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Re: quick-time

Post by Glabbit » Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:21 pm

Glabbit wrote:
PhrozenFerret wrote:quicktime event
No, no, nonono no.
(To those who raise a quizzical eyebrow at this, I'd like to point out that this is not so much a childlike tantrum of 'no's' as it is a sly and admittedly probably farfetched reference which, to those who get it, should lead the mind instantly to a set of well-constructed arguments as to why quicktime events are shi- ...not entertaining.)

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Re: quick-time

Post by DemonicDaemon » Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:37 pm

human_dictionary wrote:fighting any more than 2 enemies at once is really, really hard.
It's supposed to be. That's how it was in Lugaru and it's that way for a reason. Making large battles difficult means the player has to plan battles strategically so they are only fighting one or two enemies at a time

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Re: quick-time

Post by Korban3 » Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:33 pm

QTE = lazy game production. It's a cheap way to add a cinematic challenge. Overgrowth doesn't even need quicktime events because it already has cinematic fights that rely on meticulous timing and button presses and that looks bad ass with slow motion. Without the QTE.
Dead Space did a good job avoiding some of it as well. Used it a little, but not for all the monster-player interactions. Like the tentacles that grabbed Isaac and would drag him down a hall. You actually had to shoot the god damn thing manually and in the right spot, rather than just hitting a button that popped up. It made you feel really bad ass and awesome. Unfortunately, that sort of scene with monsters only happened occasionally in the second one.
I'm gonna throw out the wrestling/grappling system idea. Again. If it was based around a tackle and then the two characters rolling around and having to time punches and blocks properly in order to avoid hitting and to get maximum damage output, it'd be a cool system. Basically, the same style of system as OG's on-foot combat, just tethered together and beating the snot out of eachother up close.

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Re: quick-time

Post by Karel » Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:47 am


Why the hell do you want that, on a PC game?!
It's like, one of the worst things that was included in videogames during the last 10 years (though it existed before, we can now see this shit everywhere)

What is fun about murdering your keys?
Please, leave the mindless key bashing to console "gamers". We have brains here.

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Re: quick-time

Post by Noz » Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:55 pm

DemonicDaemon wrote:
human_dictionary wrote:fighting any more than 2 enemies at once is really, really hard.
It's supposed to be. That's how it was in Lugaru and it's that way for a reason. Making large battles difficult means the player has to plan battles strategically so they are only fighting one or two enemies at a time
Exactly. Fighting two enemies should be more than 2x harder than fighting one. If you use your brain to get out of overly challenging situations or obstacles, you will have succeeded in more ways than one.

1. You will have the satisfaction of solving a puzzle on the fly.
2. You will be able to get past said obstacle.
3. You will feel more like a ninja for having defeated an enemy or challenge without being spoon-fed.
4. You will still have the sense of character control that this game is great for.
5. You won't have to watch the same knife stab move over and over (See Assassin's Creed).

Plus, let's face it: When your character does something without your control, it isn't fun. It just isn't. When the game gives you an unfair advantage over the enemy AI, it takes away the feeling of superiority you have against the enemy. I prefer to feel cunning rather than watching my character do something while disembodied from my control.

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Re: quick-time

Post by Korban3 » Fri Mar 16, 2012 5:42 pm

Yeah, I'll vouch for puzzle solving being rewarding as all get out. I started playing Alundra 2 again. Awesome PS game. Go get it if you haven't played it.
To sum a lot of it up:
Spend 30 minutes on one puzzle.
Figure it out.
Beat it.
Jump out of chair.
Scream really loud.
Go to next puzzle.

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