Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by mrtbone1911 » Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:33 am

A very interesting game with some great mechanics, though it would be nice being able to lean around corners to check for turrets.

Also, sometimes you radomly fall through the ground :shock:

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by Lhorkan » Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:39 am

You don't really need to lean; turrets that are nearby around the corner will cast their search light on the ground, giving them away. They also take a second to fire, so you can just glide past the entrance and look into the room with no fear of becoming a sieve.

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by Crafekster » Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:40 am

mrtbone1911 wrote:A very interesting game with some great mechanics, though it would be nice being able to lean around corners to check for turrets. :
About that...

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by RealoFoxtrot » Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:15 am

I'd love to get support for the Razer Hydra for this, it's got some great potential if they were both used together

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by Sordid Dreams » Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:33 am

So I've played some more and it seems a lot of the bugs are somehow connected to a specific room. The two bugged hallways, mentioned here and here, are in fact the two entrances to the upper level of this room. The spot where I was shot through the wall is on the bottom level of the very same room, below the immaterial floor, and this room is also the only place I have ever seen those sideways turrets. I've played for many hours and I've never seen them anywhere else, but there's almost always one or more of them in this room.

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by shadowb297 » Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:36 am


srry, if that image doesnt work :D

BUT SWEET! free testing, omg, im glad i bought og LD

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by Tumor » Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:50 am

I just got a couple of sideways turrets in succession on one of my playthroughs. It'd be kinda cool if they were placed high up on walls (sideways) so you'd hear a beep but wouldn't know exactly where it was coming from.

So far I'm having a ton of fun :D thanks for the free testing!

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by Djemps » Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:07 am

I suck at this game but I still love it. It reminds me a lot of Perfect Dark for the N64 (and that's a good thing).

Someone had mentioned earlier that Aubrey's voice made them feel calm, but I've noticed the opposite effect. His monotone delivery freaks me out. I honestly can't tell if I should be trusting this random voice in my ear. Especially when you hear the recording about listening to a tape a million times to utterly change your inner being or some such crazyness. I started thinking... "might this guy actually be on the wrong side?"

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by Roujin » Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:20 am

Crafekster wrote:
mrtbone1911 wrote:A very interesting game with some great mechanics, though it would be nice being able to lean around corners to check for turrets. :
About that...
Wow. That is hilarious. :lol:

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by Frarocchi » Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:23 am

I think I've played around 6 or 7 hours now and I gotta say that this is game is beautifully addictive!

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by TheSlider » Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:44 am

Lhorkan wrote: @TheSlider: first of all, remap the receiver keys so it matches the azerty lay-out (~ for holstering the gun for instance, and of course AWSD). You can run when the gun is not in aiming mode, or when it is holstered, by repeatedly tapping Z in your case.
I did this before with no success but it surprisingly worked this time. I had to use the ALT-SHIFT trick again though in both the launcher tool (to rebind everything to it's original form) and in-game in order to run it as if using a Qwerty keyboard. Very annoying.
Anybody knows where the user config file is so I can delete it to reset config ?

Beeing finally able to run gives another breath to the game but it also feels awkward to have to tap the move forward key when I could be tapping Shift instead so that going from walk to run is smother. As a side note, I was expecting to stop running immediately after releasing the move key but got myself killed a few times by falling off the stairs or getting spotted.
Not sure if I have to imagine that it's momentum or something that will get fixed as it looks like the run animation that has a fixed length.

Anyway, great game despite it's simplicity. Played for hours and I'm still compelled to get back into it. Please Wolfire, continue to work on this !!

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by Shadowfury333 » Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:52 am

Could you please add an Invert Y axis option?

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by Lizardheim » Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:53 am

Controls feel great, hope you plan on expanding onto the concept later on!

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by The DooD » Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:12 pm

I've discovered what I believe to be a bug (I could be wrong, I don't really know guns as much as I like). This is a bit long winded, but:
If you have an empty gun, and you load a magazine with at least a bullet into it, and then pull the slide half back (T then R), nothing goes into the chamber.
BUT if you have the empty gun, pull the slide half back (T then R), THEN put the magazine with the bullet into it, the bullet goes half way into the chamber.
I suppose this could be a visual bug in some way, since I assume in the first case I'm only actually pull the slide half way back, whereas when there is no mag you pull it all the way back? That's the only reason I could explain that but they both look the same.

Another thing I've noticed that I don't know if it happens with real pistols, but if you lock the slide back and put in a magazine so that the bullet is half way in the chamber, and then pull the magazine out, the bullet stays where it is even though it's not in the chamber, nothing should have pushed it out of the magazine yet.

But yeah as I say, the first one might not be a bug, but I am actually pretty sure the second one is.

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by Spinnacre » Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:15 pm

I decided to record a little game play and ran into the floor clipping bug right away. Made me giggle.

Colours are dodgy due to brightness increase in post, hope you don't mine. A flash light would be great!

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