Mac Users (Alpha Testing)

A secret forum for people who preorder Overgrowth!
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Re: Mac Users (Alpha Testing)

Post by nacho » Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:50 pm

You have a sucky computer, I wonder why it doesn't work???? Hmm... I wonder.

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Re: Mac Users (Alpha Testing)

Post by moomoohk » Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:23 am

Wapos wrote: I have not figured out the stuff that everyone else on this forum already knows, such as how to get some semblance of a fight out of it (instead of just running around the landscape, or clicking mutely at things in the editor) …but that's fine.
You can spawn in enemies using the in-game editor (accessed by hitting esc or 9. To go back to "normal" mode hit the "Rabbot" button or 8 ). Look for the "Load Item"/"Load Object" buttons (they do the same thing), hit up the "Characters" tab, click on one to select him and then again on the terrain to spawn him in (same technique works for all the objects you see there).
The combat takes a bit to get used to so I recommend fighting in slowmo (tab key) to get the hang of the timing and attacks (moving in different directions from your opponent triggers different attacks).
To get the hang of the game I spent some time in the beginning just hitting every button I saw, both on the keyboard and in-game, to see what happened. If that approach isn't for you, try watching Wolfire's youtube videos. Some of them go over how to do certain things.

Good luck and have fun!

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Re: Mac Users (Alpha Testing)

Post by Wapos » Mon Jul 02, 2012 4:13 pm

Yeah, it's off-topic for this forum, but the combat control are no so mysterious as I already paid full price for the original Lugaru.

I'm also "suspending judgement" on the combat because the game is still in Alpha.

My hope would be that the final combat mechanics are more like Virtua Fighter 2 (in a sense defined below) and less like "Mini Ninjas" or other games that take up the entire keyboard.

A number of games of the Virtua Fighter 2 era succeeded in getting relatively deep fight mechanics into a format that you could play for 5 minutes (or 30 seconds) and then stop, to go do something productive with your life.

What I liked about that approach was that it wasn't "rock-paper-scissors", but a matter of watching for your opponent to start an attack that was slow enough that you could step forward and cut him short (with a very rapid jab or elbow) --or watch for another type of motion that would allow to try try for a grab/throw. At all other times, a competent player would block or reverse anything being thrown out in the ring.

Frankly, I hated Virtua Fighter 3 --I think the team that took over the series didn't realize that the appeal of the prior installment was neither tied to the graphics nor to the characters (many in the entertainment business are deluded about the significance of character and narrative elements… nobody remembers that ninja's name, ya done know).

In the original Lugaru, you do have some of the same elements mentioned in VF2, but not all: you do watch for your opponent to throw a roundhouse kick, but you don't have the minute game of "footwork" (controlling a step closer, vs. a step further away, in making your next move).

Although nothing much in video game design resembles a real fight, the emphasis on "footwork" (and controlling distance between the characters, as something that modifies the outcome of a set-animation "move") is something that at least resembles the ideology that boxing coaches will inculcate into you.

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