General Lag

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General Lag

Post by K104 » Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:23 am

Hey guys, I was just wondering if there was any way to make Overgrowth lag a little bit less. I understand it's still in developing, etc, etc. But I don't really play it so much because of the lag I get, usually do to blood, ragdolls, things like that. I have GeForce 9800 GTX, and I can play most games without a problem. Any Suggestions would help.

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Re: General Lag

Post by Endoperez » Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:53 am

There's a mod that lets you disable blood.


"Now in the Open settings menu there are different settings for turning on and off blood effects, no death, jump from ledge grab, footprints, minimap and a button that leads you to Open Slow motion settings."

I don't think there's anything similar for the ragdolls.

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Re: General Lag

Post by EPR89 » Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:05 pm

You can also try to edit the levels for example to deactivate grass.
Go to your installation folder, and in there to Data. The default levels are in the folder Project60 in the Levels folder. Custom maps (from the SUMLauncher) are in the Custom folder. Find the XML file of the level that you suspect to lag due to grass. Search for the expression "<DetailObjects>". This takes care of objects like grass and little rocks that are placed by the game automatically. They have only an aesthetic function right now and can stress your system pretty good. Reduce the density value, save the file and open the map in the game. If it still lags, reduce it even further. If it still lags, there are probably other factors, like trees or ragdolls that slow your system down.
I don't know if trees can be edited in the XML file to be "replaced" by imposters (i.e. 2D trees) earlier.

If someone who has a bit more experience with editing the files knows a few tricks, please do share.

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