(More) Procedural active falling animations

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(More) Procedural active falling animations

Post by DarKRunn3r » Sat Oct 27, 2012 4:38 pm

After watching Alpha video 169 i had i weird feeling that what David did with rolling towards a wall is not as realistic as it could be.
What i mean is, when you move (run, roll) you have some speed, momentum. Since humans/rabbits aren't just a plastic balls with limbs they somehow have to reduce that momentum in order not to get their heads crushed. Anyway, look at my clumsy little picture set.
I think that many animations could include procedural-driven hand supporting. What do you think?

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Re: (More) Procedural active falling animations

Post by Constance » Sat Oct 27, 2012 6:53 pm

wouldn't the bunny hit the wall as a ragdoll?

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Re: (More) Procedural active falling animations

Post by EPR89 » Sat Oct 27, 2012 8:47 pm

Your pictures might work for a wall, but what with a slope?
I think that rolling down or instead of doing a roll wiping out so that your character ends up lying on his back, simply because he could not finish the roll would make more sense. The last one would probably be the most realistic solution, but it could lead to unexpected outcomes during combat. So the current solution is still the best compromise.

I like the idea of procedural reactions to the environment, though. I remember playing Tomb Raider and accidentally running into a wall. Lara actually stopped by slamming into the wall and using her hands to stop herself. I other games you would just do the run animation against the wall or simply stop. That was a great moment in my life as a gamer.

If this was possible then slalom running could become a lot of fun. Imagine the character trying to avoid obstacles he would usually clip with his shoulder by turning his torso and making himself narrow to avoid contact. Not at all gameplay relevant, but it would sell the animation a lot better. And wall contacts could work the way you described them with rolling into a wall.

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