So long

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So long

Post by GrenadingBadger » Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:42 pm

With recent events. The developer has said I and anyone who thinks there is something wrong in games media should get a refund and get away from him and his game. I've been here for a few years. But I guess that is it. According to him I am mysogonist and I'm just waiting for my refund now.

Have fun all.

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Re: So long

Post by Endoperez » Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:19 pm

Actually, it's about...
The next time you consider writing an angry message to someone on the other side of this issue, please go for a walk and cool off for a few minutes, and then see if you still think that is the best use of your time. Perhaps it would be more productive to pursue one of these goals that we all agree would improve gaming for everyone.

I doubt David said literally what you claim he did.

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Re: So long

Post by EPR89 » Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:59 pm

You know, people like you are not exactly the best advertisement for Gamer Gate.

All I have learned about you guys over the last few days is that you are attention seekers who have long forgotten what this movement originally aimed to do and spend their time stirring up arguments and then getting offended when someone responds and doesn't praise you. And then you gang up on that person and sling mud in all directions, trying to harm those people as much as you can for disagreeing with you.

Pardon my French, but go fuck yourself!
Even here you take what he said out of context. He never called you a misogynist. He said that Gamer Gate has lost its direction and that the vocal group of the movement that is now identified with that name is not interested in improving anything. They only try to hurt people. And since those people are mostly women who Gamer Gate identifies as feminists and are often targeted simply because they try to represent women's perspectives in gaming, I think it is perfectly fair to call these people misogynistic.
He never targeted individuals. He talked about the group because this is an issue that has only developed the way it did because of group dynamics. He has never called you a misogynist, nazi, KKK member or whatever else pathetic bullshit you may come up with.

Be offended, if you want to. Get a refund, if it makes you feel any better. I just hope that one day you will look back at this and that you will realise what a massive douchebag you were, getting offended on behalf of a whole group of people that has more than earned the labels attached to it by now.

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Re: So long

Post by Endoperez » Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:38 pm

EPR89 wrote:You know, people like you are not exactly the best advertisement for Gamer Gate.

All I have learned about you guys over the last few days is that you are attention seekers who have long forgotten what this movement originally aimed to do

, getting offended on behalf of a whole group of people that has more than earned the labels attached to it by now.
Many people who associate with gamergate fail to do anything about ethics while aggressively lashing out, many others don't do anything bad and just talk about ethics. The latter guys exist, but aren't loud.
That said, it was originally a new name for the feminist conspiracy harassment thing, NOT about journalism. That's important.

They haven't earned all the labels, just many of them. They have been called worse than Isis, and AFAIK they have yet to cause deaths.

I'll say one more thing: GG is sad. I tried talking to them about journalism. I was told Knowyourmeme has been used to document the ethical problems they've found in game journalism, so I should go there. Knowyourmeme. Next to catburgerz.

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Re: So long

Post by David » Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:47 pm

GrenadingBadger wrote:With recent events. The developer has said I and anyone who thinks there is something wrong in games media should get a refund and get away from him and his game. I've been here for a few years. But I guess that is it. According to him I am mysogonist and I'm just waiting for my refund now.

Have fun all.
I don't think I ever said any of those things, but if I did, I was wrong and I apologize.

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Re: So long

Post by Korban3 » Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:36 am


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Re: So long

Post by Phoenixwarrior141 » Tue Nov 11, 2014 10:42 am

I have to call bullshit on what people claim Gamer Gate is.

Gamer Gate is about rooting out such corruption in games journalism. Such as Games Journos Pro (The "Secret mailing list of the journalism elite") and such were they keep each other in check. Gamer Gate is almost ALWAYS mistaken for a misogynistic movement (Despite the fact it isn't specifically against feminism, even though a lot of people use it as their banner AGAINST these radical feminists) while it is in reality simply against feminist or other bias within games journalism, and not against feminism as a whole.

This is mostly because of the actual anti-radical feminist people who often make biased statements against feminism or women as a whole, who really aren't misogynists, who are using Gamer Gate as their war-banner (And rightfully so, Gamer Gate's origins come from anti-radical-feminist people around the time Gone Home was relevant news, which would lead to the Zoe Quinn scandal we all know so very much about).

All of that said, mistaking GG for a misogynistic movement isn't too far off. It's community is a lot like 4chan. People blow things way out of proportion (In many ways it has ties to 4Chan and Reddit, Moot the moderator talking about doxxing people in particular) and such anomalies have become integral parts of the community, without which the community would collapse as GG isn't entirely stable. Not to mention GG is frequently applying feminist logic against feminism. Something insane by any standard.

Again, all of that said. People here have been radically anti-GG and all for radical feminism (Arguing for it or strawman-ing arguments to argue against it. And locking threads before subsequent responses can be made, and spamming extremely long posts to prove a point) in the past and anyone who disagrees with them get's the "We all hate you, you're not welcome here and go kill yourself" treatment, which is generally ignored (With a profound approval behind the scenes) or laughed at. The fact that David and Aubrey are like this doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Especially since the forums have been like this such topics came into discussion.

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Re: So long

Post by EPR89 » Tue Nov 11, 2014 11:09 am

You know, it would be a lot easier to see it your way if the last two days hadn't shown me that that for all I know, Gamer gate has obviously become a bunch of crybabies that try to hurt people with different opinions.

I can only judge based on what I have seen, and what I have seen is nothing of the ideal you are describing. Gamer Gate may have started with noble intentions, but if there are still people in there that follow that goal, they are pretty damn good at keeping a low profile.

Phoenixwarrior141 wrote: Again, all of that said. People here have been radically anti-GG and all for radical feminism (Arguing for it or strawman-ing arguments to argue against it. And locking threads before subsequent responses can be made, and spamming extremely long posts to prove a point) in the past and anyone who disagrees with them get's the "We all hate you, you're not welcome here and go kill yourself" treatment, which is generally ignored (With a profound approval behind the scenes) or laughed at. The fact that David and Aubrey are like this doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Especially since the forums have been like this such topics came into discussion.
What a load of bullshit!
You opened threads in which you insulted people for arguing for feminist ideas like having female characters and every time someone tried to talk about it rationally you just repeated your original statements and ignored what they said. It is a miracle that those threads were not locked earlier. There was no discussion going on, just a bunch of people trying to start a debate and you repeatedly shutting it down.

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Re: So long

Post by Phoenixwarrior141 » Tue Nov 11, 2014 11:42 am

EPR89 wrote:You know, it would be a lot easier to see it your way if the last two days hadn't shown me that that for all I know, Gamer gate has obviously become a bunch of crybabies that try to hurt people with different opinions.
Feminism has as well. But misandry FAR MORE profitable then misogyny.

Fuck the man, literally (But then not talk about it cuz rape can't happen to men) #AMIRITE

I can only judge based on what I have seen, and what I have seen is nothing of the ideal you are describing. Gamer Gate may have started with noble intentions, but if there are still people in there that follow that goal, they are pretty damn good at keeping a low profile.

GG has become the exact mirror of Feminism, making arguments similar to them in every place and is run by idiots of untold magnitude but started with noble intentions.

Just like Feminism.
You opened threads in which you insulted people for arguing for feminist ideas like having female characters
Nope. I repeatedly said (Though it went ignored) that un-pressured decisions to add female characters or make design choices were perfectly okay in my book. Female characters can exist and I specifically claimed that they should.
and every time someone tried to talk about it rationally you just repeated your original statements and ignored what they said.
So have they, but I argued with my point and stood with it with proof of the claim to a degree of factual evidence. Endo just spammed science everywhere.
It is a miracle that those threads were not locked earlier. There was no discussion going on, just a bunch of people trying to start a debate and you repeatedly shutting it down.
That is debatable. The discussion is generally this:

"I'm against these people"


Or something disguised as it.

Not to mention after looking through the randomness board, these discussions never existed. I was the ONLY one vocally against the radical Feminism movement (Gaming+ and GamerGate are both shit in my book) in the sole thread against it, followed by YOU bringing RPGs into the mix (Shoulda guessed it sooner) and Endo practically turning 2 hours of my day into "Reply to wall of text post, with evidence" to the point where he won based on quantity as I simply couldn't respond to everything even though my point makes quite a bit of sense when you take the minute to ACTUALLY FUCKING READ IT.

And you followed up by your last post, which equated to

"Yer pathetic for not liking things I like. Fuck off hypocrite" or something that nature.

When I made a response to this, you did not have time to respond. The general gist was "You can't play everything the way you want to. End of discussion" before I had to rant about how Commonsensemedia is forcing gamers to turn on each other when violent games come out, since the media will assault us again.


What I said would happen (That this was a slippery slope and feminazis are going to shit up gaming now) actually happened. Shortly after that post I began seeing rants about Killing Floor being misogynistic (Now deleted) and asking if Project Zomboid had female characters (Reasons obvious but not given), when the discussion made MENTION of feminazis, it was locked by resident enemy of the First Amendment, Enigma.

Then people started bitching about AC Unity (Kotaku), Polygon against Bayonetta and so on.

Looks like I was right after all.

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Re: So long

Post by Phoenixwarrior141 » Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:11 pm

Oh and one more thing. I never responded to this:
EPR89 wrote:You know, people like you are not exactly the best advertisement for Gamer Gate.
The good GGers aren't? I'd expect that from you.

All I have learned about you guys over the last few days is that you are attention seekers who have long forgotten what this movement originally aimed to do and spend their time stirring up arguments and then getting offended when someone responds and doesn't praise you. And then you gang up on that person and sling mud in all directions, trying to harm those people as much as you can for disagreeing with you.
That simply isn't the case, their methods are against what the original movement was, but the idea is the same.

Pardon my French, but go fuck yourself!
Even here you take what he said out of context. He never called you a misogynist
He did.
He said that Gamer Gate has lost its direction and that the vocal group of the movement that is now identified with that name is not interested in improving anything. They only try to hurt people.
That's only as true as you decide to make it. GGers suffered similar things from Feminists, but that was rarely talked about.
nd since those people are mostly women who Gamer Gate identifies as feminists and are often targeted simply because they try to represent women's perspectives in gaming,
They often are. And thus go against Gamer Gate's current doctrine and are free game. Though I think the anonymous doxxing is against Gamer Gate's ideals. A lot of GGers were sympathizing with the doxxing victims.
I think it is perfectly fair to call these people misogynistic.
With feminism how it is now, that isn't the worst thing. These people aren't against ALL WOMEN, just the femnazis. which there are men of too.
He never targeted individuals.
He targeted GGers as a whole, so they have a right to find offense.
He talked about the group because this is an issue that has only developed the way it did because of group dynamics.
What issue? GG has had NOTHING to do with this forum or company until they brought it up.
He has never called you a misogynist, nazi,
He did.
KKK member
He did.

My proof being that multiple people have reported the SAME DAMN THING.
Be offended, if you want to. Get a refund, if it makes you feel any better.
Aubrey specifically said he was giving refunds to GGers since he didn't want them to buy his game. Multiple people have linked this from the Haphead video.
I just hope that one day you will look back at this and that you will realise what a massive douchebag you were,
I need to say this to Korban and you sometime.
getting offended on behalf of a whole group of people that has more than earned the labels attached to it by now.

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Re: So long

Post by Constance » Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:14 pm

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Re: So long

Post by Phoenixwarrior141 » Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:22 pm

Me neither, it's generally because some people care, some of those people are devs, some of those devs might ruin good games by taking advice from SJWs and lose their artistic integrity.

Assuming indies though.

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Re: So long

Post by Korban3 » Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:24 pm

Implying anyone with half a brain actually listens to social justice warriors if the rest of their fan base isn't saying the same thing.

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Re: So long

Post by Endoperez » Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:43 pm

Phoenixwarrior141 wrote: a lot of people use it as their banner AGAINST these radical feminists) while it is in reality simply against feminist or other bias within games journalism, and not against feminism as a whole.
If a lot of people use the #Gamergate banner against feminism, then #Gamergate is against feminism.

Because Gamergate is anonymous, person A using the banner is just as much a part of it as person B. Because people do use it against feminism, it IS against feminism. That's not all it is, because the people using it to talk about journalism are also a part of it.
Again, all of that said. People here have been radically anti-GG and all for radical feminism (Arguing for it or strawman-ing arguments to argue against it. And locking threads before subsequent responses can be made, and spamming extremely long posts to prove a point) in the past and anyone who disagrees with them get's the "We all hate you, you're not welcome here and go kill yourself" treatment, which is generally ignored (With a profound approval behind the scenes) or laughed at. The fact that David and Aubrey are like this doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Especially since the forums have been like this such topics came into discussion.
You're probably talking about the discussions where I was one of the louder voices? I'll admit, I was really frustrated with you. At the time I felt like you were one of the most frustrating persons I had talked to, perhaps ever. I've since started following Gamergate, and you now seem like a rather more reasonable fellow. I disagreed with your arguments, but compared to what I've seen since, they were much better written and argued.

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Re: So long

Post by akazi » Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:51 pm

Timbles wrote:Why does everyone give a shit?
Just play games. Be called filthy CIS scum, who cares? You're still playing games.
I really don't know why people's nipples are being twisted so hard on this topic.
I feel it's a compliment when I get called such things while playing games.

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