Weird Floaty Combat Roles and other strange things

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Weird Floaty Combat Roles and other strange things

Post by Peruraptor » Wed Dec 03, 2014 2:26 pm

It seems like the standard combat role has a bizarre amount of airtime now. It really gets ridiculous when your rolling over an incline and warp to the correct level after the role.

The new AI seems a bit inattentive to. Sometime it will go of in a random direction, double back for no reason, and not seem to notice you when it should.

Weapons seem to go flying when you drop them in motion now. It's almost like Lugaru on a fast computer.

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Re: Weird Floaty Combat Roles and other strange things

Post by sandwichpolice » Thu Dec 18, 2014 4:53 pm

The AI part is probably the result of the new stealth AI, as they'll wander off if they believe that the thing they spotted is of no threat or current threat to them. Probably glitching out and making the player character seem unimportant.

As for the rest of the things, I've noticed it too. It looks really strange and weird :\

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