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Re: Therium-2 Sneak Peek thread

Post by Constance » Wed Sep 23, 2015 4:04 pm

rodeje25 wrote:
Timbles wrote:a few new dialogue idle animations
Since the other guy already offered his modelling services (and he sounds much better than me) i could help with some dialogue idle animations (in other words poses right?). Since i'm sick i have tommorow all the time to work on it.
Oh hot damn, thanks. I'll PM you a list of what I'll need.

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Re: Therium-2 Sneak Peek thread

Post by Constance » Wed Sep 23, 2015 4:06 pm

Dammasta wrote:Timbles, you are one sexy motherfucker.

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Beta Testers

Post by Constance » Thu Sep 24, 2015 9:52 pm

By the way, at some point, I'll definitely need some Beta Testers (look in the original post for what the dev cycle will be and when the bug testers will be doing stuff and what they'll be doing).
Who's up for volunteering? Basically, I just need some people with computers that can run Overgrowth somewhat smoothly with blood set to non-dripping, along with at least one person who runs Mac.
It'll mean going through every level, trying to find bugs, oversights, errors and incorrect files, etc.
Might sound like a free access to play Therium-2 before it's actually released, but it's not... well, I guess it is, but it's a free access to play Therium-2 in its buggy and non-complete state.

People can volunteer by emailing me at [email protected], just please state your forum name first.
I'll make sure the list isn't composed of EVERYONE, so there won't be too many bug testers or anything like that.

Once I get enough bug testers that I can trust will try to pillage every single error, I'll edit this post saying beta tester volunteers has gone down.
Either way, go ahead and email me if you want to beta test Therium-2.

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Logo WIP

Post by Constance » Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:32 pm

I finished a WIP version of what the logo for Therium-2 will look like:
[+] Das Logo
I dunno about you guys, but it looks fucking awesome.

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Re: Logo WIP

Post by Surak » Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:20 am

Timbles wrote:Das Logo
Oh, you are German?

I like the logo, looks good. Can't wait to play Therium :)

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Re: Therium-2 Sneak Peek thread -- Beta Tester Volunteers Op

Post by Constance » Sat Sep 26, 2015 10:29 am

Well, I'm French and Scottish, but I talk like I'm a brit australian scumbag who drinks alcohol before school. But yeah I have a lot of german in me.

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Main Menu

Post by Constance » Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:00 pm

I'm gonna include a totally mega awesome main menu replacement for Therium-2 once it's done. This is probably what it's gonna look like (I don't wanna embed in the image because it'll take too long for people to load in the thread).

In other news, I also fixed the Github, so that's super great. It also turns out that it now clocks at 775 MB right now, including temporary files that are specifically for alpha stage development.

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Re: Main Menu

Post by Anton » Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:55 pm

Timbles wrote:I'm gonna include a totally mega awesome main menu replacement for Therium-2 once it's done. This is probably what it's gonna look like (I don't wanna embed in the image because it'll take too long for people to load in the thread).

In other news, I also fixed the Github, so that's super great. It also turns out that it now clocks at 775 MB right now, including temporary files that are specifically for alpha stage development.
This looks awesome! Hopefully by the time you release, we'll have the ability to have multiple data paths, so that this can be loaded modularly. (If not, simply running SUMLauncher will over write the menu...)

Which, by the way, make sure you back it up so that SUMLauncher doesn't kill it...

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Re: Therium-2 Sneak Peek thread -- Beta Tester Volunteers Op

Post by Constance » Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:58 pm

SUMLauncher doesn't actually influence the images on the main menu, like the Overgrowth logo and the background. It does, however, update menu.html which will reset my custom dev levels on the top, but I already have it backed up.

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Re: Therium-2 Sneak Peek thread -- Beta Tester Volunteers Op

Post by Anton » Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:30 pm

Timbles wrote:SUMLauncher doesn't actually influence the images on the main menu, like the Overgrowth logo and the background. It does, however, update menu.html which will reset my custom dev levels on the top, but I already have it backed up.
Correct, just letting you know that it updates menu.xml just by running SUMLauncher, even if you don't do anything else. Hopefully we'll be able to have some kind of override in the near future.

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Replay Value and Challenges

Post by Constance » Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:48 pm

To add even more replay value to Therium-2, I'll be including a list of challenges that you can add to your gameplay after you've beaten every path, to add to the already expansive amounts of replay value.
Basically, not only will you have these challenges, but the gameplay in Overgrowth already means you will be able to replay the levels over and over with different outcomes and approaches, and the level design will reward numerous ways to play the campaign.

All the challenges make the levels harder in some way. Whether it be by doing nothing but combat, not being hit once, only dodging attacks, not being detected once, not killing anyone, you can take on most challenges in nearly every single level, along with being able to take on multiple different challenges at the same time (you can still do no blocking and no kills but you have to eliminate every single enemy, all on one level).
Of course, I don't actually have a way to make a script of this or anything, so it'll just be a .txt file where you read what the challenges are and how to do them. They're obviously optional.

If you stack multiple challenges, the results can easily be ridiculous (to the point where you can only crouch through the whole entire level without jumping, and have to distract every single enemy to somewhere else before you engage combat with them).

That, and there'll be tons of lore and backstory as previously mentioned throughout the levels that can only be figured out via piecing together notes, clues, hints, context and the such. It'll take an observer to figure out, just not as careful of an observer that Five Nights at Freddy's would require or something (AKA the storyline and lore can actually be figured out with countless ambiguous plot holes).

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Inspiration and Status

Post by Constance » Fri Oct 02, 2015 10:22 pm

I've been playing a bit of Amnesia: The Dark Descent lately, namely a custom story called "The Great Work". Don't be surprised if a bit of the B path level stealth bits are a bit Amnesia-esque.
That being said, I really hope there's going to be a tweak to the AI to make them go back to their normal patrol if they can't find you. If that is ever implemented, I swear to god some of the levels will be almost downright scary.
Either way, it'll be an absolute blast making the B path. I've nearly finished the A path, save for a few tweaks and a remake of two or three levels, along with the ending. I'm just about ready to move to developing the B path, and I can tell you guys are going to enjoy it (and I'll certainly love creating it). It's gonna actually include some surprises that I won't actually give info about, so look forwards to that.

I'm also remaking the first level, as it was made very early in development and is therefore not that good, while also making actual plotline sense (as I had begun Therium-2 without any plot whatsoever).
God, I'm hyping myself up for the development of my own project. It doesn't get much better then this, I'd say.
By the way, if anyone could provide an object of a bell (think of the liberty bell), I would love it. It'd super help a ton. As a bit of a pay for it, I'll give you an exclusive screenshot or something.
Either way, I've just taken a very small break from development to play Far Cry 3 and Amnesia, the latter slowly becoming more of my own interest then the former.
Either way, just posting to say that this obviously isn't dead, in fact, I have a little bit of a mind kickstart already.
Also, what is it with me and hating interior levels so much? Aren't nearly as fun or as easy as outdoors levels. I'm pretty sure it's because I already have a path made in terrain and stuff in outdoors levels, while indoors I have to manually place the walls and ceiling. Not too much of a problem, of course, but it'll slow down the development of C and D paths, for sure.

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Therium 2 Bell

Post by halzoid » Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:39 pm
This should be called, but I screwed up the folder... oh well...
(298.62 KiB) Downloaded 34 times
Hey, I made the bell asset, all seems to be working pretty well, next to no frame drop (even for my pc xD), except, for some reason, when its clipping the floor, no idea why, it just drops by about 6 fps...

Here's some shots:
[+] Screenshots
My shaders for metallic objects is broken, so textures may or may not appear on your Pc's
My shaders for metallic objects is broken, so textures may or may not appear on your Pc's
Size comparison for initial spawn size
Size comparison for initial spawn size

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Re: Therium-2 Sneak Peek thread -- Beta Tester Volunteers Op

Post by Silverfish » Mon Oct 05, 2015 7:49 am
(451.75 KiB) Downloaded 49 times
I fixed up your bell a bit, optimized number of vertices, nicer texture, fixed normal map, added low poly collider. I hope you don't mind, halzoid. :)

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Post by Constance » Mon Oct 05, 2015 11:50 pm

So I'm going to stop posting in this thread, and move over to ModDB. That way, it'll be much easier to read every post I make (as it'll be in an actual blog-style format) and I won't post every single time I want to share something I've been making.
Not only that, but people who have seen Overgrowth but don't actually want to play it because of a lack of a proper campaign or things to do (gameplay wise) will see that there's a huge community campaign being made, so there'll be a reason to buy the game.
That, and there's a slightly higher chance that people'll just chip in with a bit of help (not that I need it, but seriously thanks guys). I still need to get around to implementing that bell model, not to mention Grindgrain's music and Halzoid's idle animations.
I'll make sure everyone who contributes/has contributed to Therium-2 will get credit both now and once the project is finished.
I'll probably make the transition tomorrow (if I get around to it). There's not too much of a reason not to move over to ModDB, either, as following every post I make about this will be even easier to track.

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