Looking for help with arena feedback

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My feedback for Water and Magma arenas

Post by halzoid » Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:39 pm

so, i had a lesson in school in which i had finished all the work, and so we were allowed to do whatever we wanted, i decided to install overgrowth xD.

the PC's they have there are designed for gaming and game design, so a212 worked, yay!

anyway, i had a chance to play 2 default arenas, waterfall arena and magma arena.
they were really fun, the AI weren't too bad at navigating the areas and it had a lot of different game modes that kept me entertained.

[+] There is a fair ammount of writing here
Waterfall arena:
The waterfall arena had a good idea for platforming, attempting to avoid the water whilst fighting proves a very fun challenge. i like the structure, consisting of both wooden walkways and rocky towers, giving some good traversal between the two layers. it had some good symettry that allowed for teams to have fair fights. The gamemodes were well layed out over the map, my favourites being 'one knife, two players' and 'Your buddies got your back'.
I found it slightly dissapointing that the water was static and solid, i was hoping that it would drag players over the edge off the falls if they got too close, but i realise that these are early concepts, so those features may be added at a later stage. The outside of the map was very bland, it was a waterfall that lead to nothing, some trees around each side of the waterfalls and maybe some visible environments at the bottom of the falls would be nice to see, maybe a grate that stops players getting too close to the edge could also work. When the Ai did get stuck, they got very stuck... A lot of the time, the Enemies were trying to climb on the bottom of the ramps, and some times they got stuck behind the rocks in the corners, this kind of breaks the combat and can get quite annoying :?

Magma arena:

The magma arena was by far my favorite out of the two (and thats saying something, because I love water in games) i really liked the overbright effect that came from the lava, against the overall darkness of the map. The Ai were very fluid and mostly knew their way around the complex structure. the layout was great, I really enjoyed the idea of the layers in this map, the dark underground 'temple'-esque layout at the bottom coupled with the open, bright square arena at the top, surrounded by perilous drops; it really worked! the gamemodes were fun, including the '1v4 broadsword' match on the bottom layer and the '1 on 1 unarmed' match on the top. There was no way to see the outside of the arena, so there is no reason to add to it.
At some points, the Ai did get stuck in the bottom rooms, but it never really got bad enough to break the game. The lava, much like the water, does nothing, its static and harmless. The gamemodes, although fun, were essentially remakes of the stucco arena modes, they didn't really add any new features specific to this arena, unlike the water one, which would be a good addition.

Those were all the good/ bad parts of the arenas that i found during my playthrough. Hope this helps! I cant wait to play the rest when i get a new PC, i will definately provide more feedback for them too.

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Re: Looking for help with arena feedback

Post by OneJibmoNation » Wed Dec 16, 2015 5:26 pm

The only minor annoyance I have with arena is (at least when playing with a controller) losing camera focus of your target. It would be nice to have a kind of soft lock (definitely not a hard lock like other builds in 1v1) maybe allow a button to toggle it (for example, pushing down on the movement stick on a 360 controller).

Also, as opposed to everyone starting with weapons I think it'd make it more interesting if the weapons were either strewn about or at the top of a pillar in the center of the arena where you'd have to climb/parkour to get at them. Idk, maybe my suggestions are already in there and I just haven't played enough ;)

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Re: Looking for help with arena feedback

Post by akazi » Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:55 pm

halzoid wrote:so, i had a lesson in school in which i had finished all the work, and so we were allowed to do whatever we wanted, i decided to install overgrowth xD.

the PC's they have there are designed for gaming and game design, so a212 worked, yay!

anyway, i had a chance to play 2 default arenas, waterfall arena and magma arena.
they were really fun, the AI weren't too bad at navigating the areas and it had a lot of different game modes that kept me entertained.

[+] There is a fair ammount of writing here
Waterfall arena:
The waterfall arena had a good idea for platforming, attempting to avoid the water whilst fighting proves a very fun challenge. i like the structure, consisting of both wooden walkways and rocky towers, giving some good traversal between the two layers. it had some good symettry that allowed for teams to have fair fights. The gamemodes were well layed out over the map, my favourites being 'one knife, two players' and 'Your buddies got your back'.
I found it slightly dissapointing that the water was static and solid, i was hoping that it would drag players over the edge off the falls if they got too close, but i realise that these are early concepts, so those features may be added at a later stage. The outside of the map was very bland, it was a waterfall that lead to nothing, some trees around each side of the waterfalls and maybe some visible environments at the bottom of the falls would be nice to see, maybe a grate that stops players getting too close to the edge could also work. When the Ai did get stuck, they got very stuck... A lot of the time, the Enemies were trying to climb on the bottom of the ramps, and some times they got stuck behind the rocks in the corners, this kind of breaks the combat and can get quite annoying :?

Magma arena:

The magma arena was by far my favorite out of the two (and thats saying something, because I love water in games) i really liked the overbright effect that came from the lava, against the overall darkness of the map. The Ai were very fluid and mostly knew their way around the complex structure. the layout was great, I really enjoyed the idea of the layers in this map, the dark underground 'temple'-esque layout at the bottom coupled with the open, bright square arena at the top, surrounded by perilous drops; it really worked! the gamemodes were fun, including the '1v4 broadsword' match on the bottom layer and the '1 on 1 unarmed' match on the top. There was no way to see the outside of the arena, so there is no reason to add to it.
At some points, the Ai did get stuck in the bottom rooms, but it never really got bad enough to break the game. The lava, much like the water, does nothing, its static and harmless. The gamemodes, although fun, were essentially remakes of the stucco arena modes, they didn't really add any new features specific to this arena, unlike the water one, which would be a good addition.

Those were all the good/ bad parts of the arenas that i found during my playthrough. Hope this helps! I cant wait to play the rest when i get a new PC, i will definately provide more feedback for them too.
thanks for the feedback. :) When you (or anyone else gets the time) can you play test risingwater_arena? Here is the latest version. i didn't change very much from last time but would still like if someone looked at it. :) https://www.dropbox.com/s/34v3lsmog497f ... s.zip?dl=0

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Re: Looking for help with arena feedback

Post by rodeje25 » Thu Dec 17, 2015 4:05 pm

Even tough i haven't played the latest version of risingwaterarena i think a royal rumble match is a must if david can inplement his no fps loss AI tech from the engine for under glass.

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