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Re: Please help us test Receiver (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:18 am
by Anton
Tonjevic wrote:I picked up a tape which absorbed, but there didn't appear to be anything recorded on it.

If you try to inspect the chamber when the safety is on, the gun turns the wrong way so that the opening is facing away from you.
That tape is intentionally hard to hear... some other tapes explain it...

Re: Please help us test Receiver (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:28 am
by halofreakforever
the music reminds me of daft punk :D

Re: Please help us test Receiver (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:30 am
by Hobblin
You people do some crazy awesome stuff and it makes me sad that you rely on technology that isn't properly cross-platform :(

Re: Please help us test Receiver (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:37 am
by LeSan
On mac with a non qwerty keybord, it's impossible to rebind the keys, so it's just unplayable :)

But great mechanisms on reloading, pretty new and welcome :D

Re: Please help us test Receiver (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:38 am
by Johannes
Just a few more notes:
  • You can currently spawn in front of turrets. Kind of annoying since you can't do anything about it.
  • You have to listen to a full tape for it to be counted. Yes I get how this matches the theme of the receivers, but after a few times I just want to mute it.

Re: Please help us test Receiver (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:40 am
by Anton
LeSan wrote:On mac with a non qwerty keybord, it's impossible to rebind the keys, so it's just unplayable :)

But great mechanisms on reloading, pretty new and welcome :D
You should be able to rebind the controls during the opening launcher when it asks you for your resolution. Click on the Input tab, and reassign away! (And hold option while launching the game if you decided to skip that screen...)

Re: Please help us test Receiver (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:45 am
by Blackmoor
Looks cool. Like it's got a lot of realism. I love when people make realism games because it gets us closer and closer to absolute realism. Then they'll just have to come out with a technology that lets us be inside the game and I'll never leave my house.

Re: Please help us test Receiver (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:51 am
by Redcoat
Aiming is pretty fun! Also the movement and jumping is really good, although I've run into a few problems, like falling through the floor, or spawning without ANY ammo at all, and then running into a turret xD If you could make it so we're guaranteed to spawn with one magazine or two that would be great! Also, the flying robots are pretty powerful, maybe make it so they have to hut you twice, and the turrets are really powerful. And I don't think the Slow Motion works at the moment, but it's listed in the controls, and I always accidentally getting rid of all my bullets by pressing R, the reloading is seriously confusing at the start and I'm still confused on how it all works. And for the inventory, maybe like Minecraft, you could at least put some sort of indication to what number you need to press.

But I'm assuming this is in early development, and so far it's great, I see a huge potential with this! :D Keep it up guys!

Re: Please help us test Receiver (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:15 am
by RudiMedia
It turned out really awesome, however I have this issue that I fall through the floor of some modules.

Re: Please help us test Receiver (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:28 am
by GetTheCatExcited

Re: Please help us test Receiver (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:29 am
by Kopter
Thats AWESOME! I'm having some problems though...

1. Falling through floors and walking through walls. This is extremely frustrating since it's like walking into a invisible trap - killing you and making you start over. Please try to fix that.

2. Better tutorial on how to load the clips.

3. Maybe a small flashlight or lightsource for those pitch black corridors.

4. Leaning would be awesome for this game, allowing you to peek around corners instead of exposing your entire body.

Otherwise, GREAT job on this one. :D

Re: Please help us test Receiver (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:31 am
by Kripling
Great feedback by Johannes. Now for my input

This game runs into a problem Aquaria did, it doesn't explain to the player all of the mechanics. I watched the gameplay video where many of the mechanics were explained, but some were skipped or not explained enough into detail.
  • You can jump higher by crouching and then jumping which is required in some places (I had to jump over a pipe to continue on in one game).
  • You cannot sprint without holstering your weapon, I thought the sprinting mechanic was bugged at first since I didn't know I had to holster my weapon.
  • Sometimes I one-shot killed the turrets and fliers, but sometimes I ran out of ammo before I could finish them off. It would be great if there were put some visual or audible feedback based on where you shot it. If you hit a part which does no damage to the turret, it could sound like it ricocheted, if you hit a part which does damage, it could give of some more distinct noises.
  • The game is choppy on my semi-decent pc (although it should be running quite good on a bad pc considering the low graphical detail) even on the lowest graphics setting. I'd love some optimization to make it run more smoothly.
I think we should feel a tad entitled to bugfixing since it's a game which actually costs money, but I think it's a very fun and neat game either way, just my two cents I guess.

Re: Please help us test Receiver (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:38 am
by rollercoaster
I just picked up a few bullets, and it showed me that I have many more, non of them are in my magazins though, is there any way to refill my mags? so far neither random button pushing, nor the help function has given me any clues

Re: Please help us test Receiver (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:39 am
by Prometheus
Fell through the floor once after jumping off a stair. Saw a seam between modules. Overall very few technical problems. Gameplay wise, fliers are way, WAY overpowered. I once spawned with no bullets. The game is interesting, but I'm having a hard time getting any enjoyment out of it because the first flier I meet is most likely going to kill me.

rollercoaster wrote:I just picked up a few bullets, and it showed me that I have many more, non of them are in my magazins though, is there any way to refill my mags? so far neither random button pushing, nor the help function has given me any clues
You need to holster your gun (tilde key by default) and hold a magazine, then Z puts a bullet in the magazine.

Found a turret that was lying down. Is this supposed to happen?

Re: Please help us test Receiver (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:49 am
by Specter
This game deserves a Wii port.