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Re: Unofficial, alpha 24 weekly build

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:04 pm
by Johannes
David wrote:Have you tried updating your sound drivers and OpenAL installation?
All up to date as far as I can tell, and sounds work fine everywhere else. Sometimes the hits sound fine when it's just a glancing hit, but much louder when close. I really do think it's physics related, similar to the bouncing bug that caused you to fly when you jumped on multiple intersecting objects. Are you unable to reproduce this on your mac computers? It's a late 2008 MBP, I might be wrong but I think one of you guys had one of these as well. What happens when you try it?

Re: Unofficial, alpha 24 weekly build

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:13 pm
by David
It looks like OpenAL has a bug on Mac. Normally the volume is calculated as min(1.0,source_volume/distance^2). On Mac it seems to ignore the min step, so as you get closer to a sound the volume starts to approach infinity.

Re: Unofficial, alpha 24 weekly build

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:20 pm
by Johannes
David wrote:It looks like OpenAL has a bug on Mac. Normally the volume is calculated as min(1.0,source_volume/distance^2). On Mac it seems to ignore the min step, so as you get closer to a sound the volume starts to approach infinity.
That would explain it. Audio analysis of my computer's output confirms this theory:
You can clearly see the ambient noise, and the 4 punches I made.

Since OpenAL for mac hasn't been updated in a while (since tiger as far as I know) this might affect all mac computers, not just mine.

=Edit= Hmm, phillip tested it on an older mac laptop and he said it worked fine. It might be the more recent, late 2008 Macbook Pros's drivers that ship with the computer, or its audio card. Anyone else have a late 2008 MBP they could test this on?

Re: Unofficial, alpha 24 weekly build

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:25 pm
by Endoperez
jo-shadow wrote:Erf... If possible please edit your post.

Jeff makes this clear in the OP: it's an alpha, shit happens, but people on the blog that have nothing to do with alpha testing and most often don't understand that it's an alpha get the wrong idea "OMG wolfire makes games that kill you!" This only concerns people that can actually download it and since here is the only place you can do so it should stay in the SPF.
I registered to DISQUS to see if I could change it, but I don't see an option to edit it that post, only the latest one. Does it allow retroactive editing or is my moment of stupidity now immortalized?

I'm feeling pretty stupid right now. I didn't remember people come to this thread to get the download link... :oops: Yeah, haven't been able to test anything for a while.

EDIT: feeling even more silly now that it's confirmed non-Overgrowth bug. Yeah. :oops:
EDIT2: Yep, no editing once it's been replied to. Sorry, not my brightest moment.

Re: Unofficial, alpha 24 weekly build

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:18 pm
by TheBigCheese
Downloading now.
Yep, no editing once it's been replied to.
Yeah, you have to have made the post with Disqus to edit it.

Edit: @ Tonjevic: The SVN doesn't seem to have a-24. At least, I don't see any new sounds or mentioned things. I'm using windows with ToroiseSVN. Post when the new versions are up.

Re: Unofficial, alpha 24 weekly build

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 11:28 pm
by Zantalos
Haha, how do you turn on depth of field and bloom?

Re: Unofficial, alpha 24 weekly build

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 11:50 pm
by David
Turn on post effects in the config, and then you can edit data/glsl/post.frag to do a lot of post shaders. There should be a bunch of them included in the glsl folder that you can copy into post.frag, like post_madworld.frag or post_bloom.

Re: Unofficial, alpha 24 weekly build

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 12:46 am
by turbochop
Well crap. I was going to let you know that sound works fine for me, jo. But it seems it's already been dealt with. :lol:


Sorry, im not using a mac, so I guess i'm not of much help.

Re: Unofficial, alpha 24 weekly build

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:17 am
by Zantalos
Wow, these post effects add a lot of eye candy to the game, particularly like the infrared and depth of field on the background.

Also a nice touch to be able to edit them and swap them out while the game is still running and have them update. Win!

Re: Unofficial, alpha 24 weekly build

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:39 am
by Johannes
I'm probably doing it wrong, but I can't seem to get any of the effects working. I changed post effects to true in Config.txt, and think I'm modifying the shaders correctly but so far nothing... I'll probably just have to wait for when there's a nice interface to select them.

Re: Unofficial, alpha 24 weekly build

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 12:53 pm
by MixedSignals
Jo-shadow, here's what I did to make the effects work:

Go to data/Config.txt and change post_effects to be true, then go to Data/GLSL and rename post.frag to post.frag.bak. Then find any shader that begins with "post_" and rename it to post.frag. Return to the game window and it should automatically update.

You could copy and paste the contents of the files instead of renaming if that's more your cup of tea...

Re: Unofficial, alpha 24 weekly build

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:11 pm
by Johannes
1. changed post effects in config.txt to true
2. backed up post.frag
3. renamed post_edge.frag as post.frag
4. looks like this when I start it up:
What am I missing.

Re: Unofficial, alpha 24 weekly build

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:21 pm
by David
It looks like post effects may not be working on Mac yet -- I'll fix that by next alpha.

Re: Unofficial, alpha 24 weekly build

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:22 pm
by Johannes
Blaaagh, darn XD I was looking forward to them. Ah well, next week.

Re: Unofficial, alpha 24 weekly build

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:24 pm
by tomascokis
@ jo-shadow, I've got the same macbook pro model, but I can't get into rabbot mode, even after deleting all the stuff in the terminal. Are there some more specific instructions on doing this?