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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:41 pm
by Freeman720
Oh dear lord, the optimization is even worse. What the fuck? Is there a way for you guys to fix this? My computer is far from great, but it's also far from bad, and I should be able to get a solid 60 fps in this god damned game.

Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:45 pm
by adwuga
Holy shit. I ran out of ammo(I was bored, so I waster 3 magazines on a disabled turret, then decided I wanted to try and win), so I ran past a turret, and one of the drones started chasing me. I ran through about 5 rooms, each filled with one or two drones, who chased after me, and I finally made a sharp turn and lost them, turned around, and immediately got shot down by a turret. This game is awesome.

Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:36 am
by Salbris
I'm sure I'm not the first but I finally completed it.

Took me like 50 tries or something.

I was 8 tapes, my record at the time and I had happened upon one of the courtyard rooms and it had like 5 tasers bots in it. I had less than a mag of ammo, so I went back from where I came took a different path and found 3 tapes in an unguarded apartment.

Awesome game, lots of tension.

Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:29 am
by Ozymandias
AgileWolf wrote:Ok I got the same falling through the floor
Try RC4

Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:21 am
by Lotsofgunfire
Minor oddity about the gun: you can decock the hammer while the slide is locked.
While I'm not farmiliar with the specifics of the m1911 I'm pretty sure it's impossible to move the hammer from the cocked position with the slide is back as the slide should be blocking the hammer.

Also tab is listed as slow motion toggle but it doesn't seem to work, what do I need to do for that to work?

Great job otherwise, having a lot of fun playing.

Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:40 am
by ecyor0
Any possibility of implementing a "precise aim" mode? As in, rather than just holding the gun and aiming down the sights, bring the gun really close so that you can zero in on the drone camera etc? Perhaps setting it up so that moving breaks your aim and puts you back to normal aiming mode

Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:44 am
by adwuga
In real life you can't do that, you have two eyes so focusing wont work if it's too close.
Lotsofgunfire wrote:Also tab is listed as slow motion toggle but it doesn't seem to work, what do I need to do for that to work?
From David's github/7DFPS David-TODO.txt: "- indicator that cheat code is needed for slow motion"
I have no idea what this cheatcode is, unfortunately.

Ozymandias wrote:I think one of the biggest problems for me is that the ironsights aren't even lined up correctly, it's almost like playing Stalker. The front post should be lined up with the rear posts.
From same github, the most recent change, added 34 minutes ago, from Aubrey: "added colt with fixed sight"

I'd reccomend looking at that TODO list, here is link.

On the list is new guns, listed as a hard thing. I think they will continue work on it for a while, with OG as a priority, so I wouldn't expect many, or any, new guns soon.

Also, on the list is conclusive proof that David does read through our comments and use our ideas. I always thought so, but I've never seen him reply to an idea.

Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 3:15 am
by Kahvikone
After testing the news version:

+The falling through floors doesn't happen anymore.

-I still can't hear the drones if they aren't right next to me. Partial problem is the backround music that drowns out the hovering noices.

Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 3:50 am
by Recs
very nice concept.

tried it out and it's very entertaining and I like the "kinda roguelikish" feeling mixed with the gun mechanics.

I really hope you expand the game/concept. it might become a very interesting one. I don't know how much time you have to do so while working on overgrowth, though.

Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:00 am
by simpletaste
I've been playing this for about 3 days now and it is very addictive. The mood and atmosphere is great. Reminds me a mixture between the Matrix, Inception, and mostly Dark City.
Inception in ways like one time it felt as if I was in a closed loop. The setting of the game feels like the other two movies a little more with the modular areas reminding me of Dark City.

I don't mind that sometimes you start out with no ammo, 1 bullet, or 3 mags full, they all have their merits in how the game feels from the start. The tension is there all be it in different forms in each situation. If forces you to know how to run and avoid efficiently.
I love the single player experience. I also like the rouge like feel of the game. I've read other comments from users wanting multiplayer but I'm on the other side of the argument.

A few things for you guys to consider:
It's hard to see if you have one in the chamber a lot of the times. If you could pull the gun a little closer when checking the barrel to the camera to emphasize checking it would help.

I feel that when pulling the slide halfway to check is a little too sensitive or inconsistent. Maybe it's just me but when I hold T and press R, various times I eject a round by accident. If you tap it too fast it'll slide slightly back and then lock forward(same thing if you just tap R real fast without holding T). Press R too long and it ejects. Sometimes when I press it regularly(not too fast, or not to long) it still ejects. Maybe have it so when you press R once while holding T it auto locks halfway then if you press R again while in that position it ejects a round if one was in there.

Reloading another clip especially while being chased by the hover bots is super difficult. I really don't know how to correct it. Maybe after you eject your current mag and say you have a mag set on (1) and if you press it it auto auto swaps the mag u just ejected into slot (1) and inserts the mag previously in slot (1).

There are some areas(usually when entering another area it's super dark. There's been a time when I ran to the farthest one way and it was so pitch dark that I couldn't proceed so I ran to the opposite side of the map and the same thing so I was forced to restart. I don't feel this game needs a flashlight though. Maybe the character in game, when the person stands in a pitch dark place for a few, their eyes adjust to the light and when they come out back to a lit place there's a bloom effect and then goes back to normal. Maybe that's a little much at the moment but just for a future idea.

That's all for now. Keep up the great work, love this game and Overgrowth!

Oh and NO zombies please. Please no zombies. Maybe just another turret variant like a simple strafing from waypoint A to waypoint B

Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:11 am
by TheSlider
David wrote:I just uploaded a new build!

Windows download: ...
Mac download: ...

- Mouse cursor disappears automatically when alt-tabbing into the game
Awesome additions except that this one now introduces a new annoyance. When alt-tabbing back the game, it doesn't get exclusive mouse focus back. What I mean is that I can see the mouse get off my first screen to the second one whenever I turn right and makes me go back to the desktop if I decide to click.
This doesn't happen the first time the game is launched, only when alt-tabbing back to it.

Fixes are :

Before the update, safe lock the gun, click to get mouse focus and unlock.
This version press escape to show the mouse, lock the gun, click, unlock.

Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:16 am
by amkdude
I haven't got to play it yet but after reading the rock paper shotgun impressions thingy I definitely want this game to become a full fledged game

Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:21 am
by Rocky Raccoon
Really excited to try this one out. :) Thanks for the hard work.

Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:39 am
by xavieran
simpletaste wrote: Oh and NO zombies please. Please no zombies.
Seconded. Zombies are bloody stupid. I always laugh when I play Zombie games, whereas in Receiver you get plenty of tension from these no frills bots that are designed to kill you. Cold, efficient, etc, is a lot more frightening than shambling zombies... I can't stand them. Plus, we've got Blackshades if we want zombies :P

Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:45 am
by (=Nemesis=)
The Good: You guys have invented a new sub-genre: the FPS dungeon crawler. In seven days. It feels so tense because of ammo scarcity, low health, and so on - I love it. In fact, when you finish Overgrowth (impatiently looking at calendar) you have a very promising prospect for a different game (rabbits with guns and spy gear, anyone?). EDIT: Oh my, that avatar I have and forgot about looks so apt for this.

The Bad: Spawning with no bullets. Turrets which can kill you faster than you can kill them, combined with environments that force you to run past them, completely exposed.

The Ugly: Because of the randomised modular nature of levels, sometimes a place will be well lit and easy to navigate. Sometimes, though, it will be so dark that the smudges on my screen are more discernible than the gun model. It's borderline unplayable when that happens. You might want to consider building lights into wall sections so that vision is possible.