Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by Rathalos » Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:22 pm

Wow. A game built in 7 days has captured more of the feeling I loved in the original Deus Ex than Deus Ex: Human Revolution ever could. Checking my ammo count, knowing my next shot will make or break me, facing panic when everything falls apart, this is the kind of emergent gameplay I've longed for!

Also, this is like the flight simulator of guns. Who else spent the first ten minutes wondering how to put the bullets back in the gun after you accidentaly dropped them all?

I'd like to see the sprint button moved away from mashing W though. Too many times I've been trying to peek around a corner, then accidentaly hit W twice too quickly and sprinted out into gunfire. Also the lag spikes when moving between certain rooms has caused this as well a few times.

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by adwuga » Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:48 pm

MF_Kitten wrote:Seriously. this. multiplayer. so much. HNGGGG!

I'm not even slightly joking, this HAS TO HAVE MULTIPLAYER ASAP! :lol:

The thought of getting to play this against a friend, or several friends even, makes me all fuzzy inside!
I would prefer Co-op, but I'm sure both modes will be added if they ever are. From the TODO list:
"Really hard:
- Multiplayer?"

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by motoko_k » Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:36 am

OzymandiasLlewellyn wrote:Also wasn't it banned in Germany because of the Nazi refrences?
If I remember correctly, the game got on the index (hope it means in english the same as in german) due its brutality. So you could sell it, but you we're not allowed to advertise the game or sell it openly, so teenage could see it.

Banned due nazi reference was Wolfenstein 3D and the US Version of Doom 2 (because it contains 2 Levels of Wolfenstein 3D). That ist still banned and is forbidden to be sold in Germany. :-)

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by Nilok » Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:11 am

I'm having a weird bug, each time I run the game, my DNS gets changed. For example from "" -> "".

I'm not sure if this is something to do with the game, or something acting up on my computer at the same time.

Other then that, amazing game, my only gripe is that the drones are still too quiet and very hard to hit since they flail around in the air.

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by PancanBoy » Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:18 am

Receiver is amazing! Only things that annoy me: too dark to see a lot of the time, drones are too tough, and for some reason it seems to lag on me, even on the fastest settings, which is strange because my computer is fairly new.

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by Ryujin » Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:33 am

Played it a bit more and here's a few issues I noticed:
-Lack of direction for the player and random generation seems to lead to random choice. I don't seem to have reasons to make meaningful choices in where I go or the big picture. I just seem to pick doors at random until I run into something as there doesn't seem to be any reason to pick one direction over another most of the time. Even some very vague direction might help players make meaningful choices while walking around.

-Gun interaction doesn't seem to make it past the "toy" state. This seems to be a big part of the X statement for this game, but I outside of the start of the game, the interactions become routine and generally the other elements of the game don't really work towards improving the gun interaction or using it as a really solid mechanic. At the start of the game you have to make evaluations of the gun state and then make it ready. This really does help the immersion and the "gearing up" feel as you get the gun in firing condition. However once it's ready to go, you really don't use most of the interactions on the gun (mag in, mag out, release slide once in a while). You do at least manage ammo a bit more.

This seems to be heading in the direction of player progression and mastery as a mechanic, kind of like the game Skate and it's use of learning a new control scheme as a mechanic of sorts (player experiencing learning to skate). This however isn't really realized in the way the other mechanics work. You never really have to do any of these actions under pressure. You can step out of a turrets line of sight and reload slowly and vs the flying bots it seems the fight is over before I go through a magazine in most cases. This is then further related to the fact that there are very clear safe and danger zones a lot of the time. If I'm standing still in an empty room, I know I'm safe and can merge magazines slowly. No risk of being hunted down.

Malfunctions, pressure, and more in depth shooting mechanics with things like sway, slight alignment, and other details might make being able to use the gun quickly and efficiently more important. For example if you were out of ammo and being hunted down by a bot searching for you, found a gun of unknown condition, and had to get it ready before that bot found and shot you, situations like this might really bring in knowing that gun into the gameplay. More detailed shooting might also bring it into hitting weak points.

-The stealth and shooting mechanics aren't very strong overall. The permadeath adds a lot to the tension, but enemy behavior and lack of developed stealth mechanics or more complex shooting situations leave some room for improvement. This mostly comes down to the enemy types and AI (which is obviously hard for a 7 day game), but some more patroling/searching could go a very long way.

-Which leads to tension, the random rouge-like sort of feel and permadeath combined with short burst gameplay is nice for building up that base line tension. But I feel way too safe most of the time. Occasionally I can be surprised by enemies in unexpected places, but if I'm not moving and the rooms aren't too complex, I usually know when I'll be in danger of encountering an enemy and when I'm safe. The enemies are never going to walk in on me through a door, investigate the area of a sighting, or such. Right now the tension if graphed would be really sharp and flat, a lot entering the room, then very little. Especially with the audio cues giving away the static enemies. Would be a lot more tense it I hear a flying bot patrolling around and getting closer, rather than be able to encounter if only proactively.

So yeah, that's my $0.02. It has a lot of interesting potential if a clear focus can guide all of these pieces together and the non-gun mechanics got some love to both support the gun mechanics and add some more depth to the gameplay.

Yes, I know it's a lot for a 7-day game, but I figure this is a more useful than just saying "yay, that's a nice game for 7 days".

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by Nilok » Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:21 am

I don't know how, but it seems Receiver is changing my Google DNS to the Taiwan version.

After playing the game, Google thinks I am in Taiwan and is setting my default Google page to the Taiwan site.

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by postman » Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:07 am

I haven't played much of the game, I have just been working out the gun controls, which are very nice might I say.

However one thing is bugging me, since I have a laptop and play with a touchpad (I'm used to it, been using 4 or so years), sensitivity for me is often very high on games I play.

It makes it much harder to aim with a lower sensitivity, and it would be nice if receiver had a mouse sensitivity option.

Thanks, with best regards - Postman

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by RabidZombie » Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:49 am

Works ok in Wine once you have a patched Wine with rawinput support. The framerate is a bit low, which makes it difficult to kill the drones. Oh well.

It is lots of fun. I've only played it for a couple of minutes and I'm already getting used to the control scheme. :D

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Reminds me of...

Post by simpletaste » Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:04 am

This game reminds me of Flashback in ways. The flying taser bot and turrets are in both games, and how both games have technical control schemes. Other than that the level design reminds me of Dark City, Matrix, and Inception, how it's modular, some doors that use to be doors were closed off at other times, and how it feel like you're running in a closed loop sometimes. I've only gotten 5 tapes so far but the story is reminiscent of Matrix, and Dark City.

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by Crafekster » Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:19 am

For anyone's interest, here is me beating the game. ... ature=plcp

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by Ragepyro » Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:21 am

A good idea for an extra enemy would be a turret on tank tracks maybe? Then they can patrol areas/multiple rooms if possible, so there's not really a safe place.

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by tcandaman » Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:51 am

Hey guys is anyone else getting this problem? whenever I load up receiver (RC4) I can't seem to move or do anything. I've tried restarting like 8 times but I can't move or look around once I spawn. The only thing I can do is hold the right mouse button and it brings my gun forward.

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by FuDaVan » Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:54 am

i dont know if it was mentioned before, but i also dont know how i could search it so i can know it was mentioned before.

It seems that the magazine is getting bigger and bigger the often i refill it with bullets, idk why but it happens to me

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by kotakotakota » Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:59 am

Nilok wrote:I don't know how, but it seems Receiver is changing my Google DNS to the Taiwan version.

After playing the game, Google thinks I am in Taiwan and is setting my default Google page to the Taiwan site.
I don't think that's the game. You should run a virus scanner on your computer.

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