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Quick Feedback for current build

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 9:36 am
by Howser
As this is my first post Hello!

I just finished the campaign and I must say I enjoyed myself a lot! good job so far!

This is a brief summary of the issues I had and some suggestions. This is not some crazy list of features I would like (physics props, shields, archery, flaming torches etc etc) but a list that is hopefully respectful to your budget and vision. I am sure a lot of these issues are known and I am going to write this in brief points so it doesn't become a massive wall of text so apologies in advanced for that!

There is a generally jumpiness to game and how it handles narrative and loading.
Loading screens between levels seem inconsistent. I would suggest using the loading screens consistently/conventionally as a transitional story point from one scene to the next. Even if its an establishing shot of the level with a few lines of what's happened between. Make what little text there is to read relevant to turners story at hand.

Events in the world (such as triggering the boss) shouldn't re-position the player every time It felt disorienting and cheap. It would be a lot better have an animated camera to swoop in and out before starting the dialogue/event.

Adding a click any button to start game post level loading.

Having a fade out along with audio cues for when a stage is complete.

Make all checkpoints after dialogue and not before... that got annoying really fast.

The platforming levels should be less linear and avoid annoyances like small rounded ledges for instance that tree climbing level was very frustrating while the sun plant fetch quest was pretty solid.

Holding R for 3 seconds or so should restart from last check point

Stealth is a really strong part for me and would like to see it catered to a little more
Combat in levels like the dog fort and cat city should be less forced with more cover, better patrol patterns and open routes.

The AI obviously cant climb everything but it would be nice if they had some sort of response once you were out of reach other than standing underneath you. Throwing rocks or animated insults would be nice touch.

Once altered to your presence its annoying how the enemies always know your position. staying alert is fine but It got annoying when I wanted to attack them from an angle they weren't expecting.

Other the minor annoyances listed above you're doing a great job and I look forward to playing the finished product!
