a rope in OG ?

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-- Coco --
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a rope in OG ?

Post by -- Coco -- » Thu Jun 03, 2010 1:54 pm

Hey guys! :)

I just have played "ninja zero" (a little flash game) and I wonder if adding a rope (to climb and more..) in OG could be a good thing.
The Overgrowth's trailer is explicit about the ninja's feature in the game, but I think it could add another dimension in the game.

I've a question : does the shadows play a role in the stealth-mod (like splinter-cell for example : I mean a character in the sun is more noticeable than a character hidden in the shadow) ?

What did you think about that (the rope) ?

PS: sorry for my poor english :?

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Re: a rope in OG ?

Post by Freshbite » Thu Jun 03, 2010 2:48 pm

I think ropes would be a great addition to the arsenal in Overgrowth.
It allows for more advanced mapping and less linear levels.

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Re: a rope in OG ?

Post by Endoperez » Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:19 am

Ropes that can be attached anywhere will make level design much harder, because the player could get anywhere and the level designer would have no control over the order, and because the player could go into places the enemies couldn't get.
Having ropes that only attach to pre-set pieces is a better choice from level designer's point of view, but might feel a bit like a cop-out. It wouldn't be too difficult to add in mods, as long as you were content with "about so" physics and unanimated rope represented by a straight line with a texture. I might be able to do it, given enough time. A proper coder could throw a crude system together much faster.
Making a proper rope system would be more complicated, but it would take a real coder and not a scripter like me.


Code: Select all

if (player throws a grappling hook & it doesn't strike a grappling point)
     do nothing
if (player throws a grappling hook & it does strike a grappling point)
    get the position of the grappling point
    disable player walking
    enable swinging controls
if (swinging controls are enabled)
    the player swings around the grappling point he's attached to
    the rope is drawn between the player and the grappling hook
    pressing 'Jump' disables swinging controls and enables player walking
Note that you can't make that yet. We can't do anything to objects that aren't the player.

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Re: a rope in OG ?

Post by Radu » Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:45 am

they said they are focusing on the engine atm so no ropes....(yet?)

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Re: a rope in OG ?

Post by WallyWorld » Fri Jun 04, 2010 6:28 am

I think they were planning on some type of climbing system already. Something more along the lines of Assassin's Creed I think?

Ropes or grappling hooks would definitely add the possibility for some new stuff in gameplay though. The first thing that comes to mind besides just using it to climb would be attaching it the corner of a building (or other high object), and then jumping away from it to make the play swing around the side to get somewhere you wouldn't normally be able to jump too from that position, or maybe pull off some crazy high powered kick attack that sends the enemy literally in the air.

Or maybe some Indiana Jones style swinging to get a little more distance on a jump that would otherwise be a little far.

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Re: a rope in OG ?

Post by Ylvali » Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:47 pm

Endoperez wrote:Ropes that can be attached anywhere will make level design much harder, because the player could get anywhere and the level designer would have no control over the order, and because the player could go into places the enemies couldn't get.
I think the obvious solution to this is to make the rope/grappling hook a peice of equipment you can find and pick up inside certain levels. It could also take up a weapon slot so therefore come with a opportunity cost. This way the rope would be an asset in level design rather than a problem.

If possible it should be physics based. Rather than attaching to specific types of objects it would attach like a real hook around angles, branches and in crevices.

Also don't make it have a magic "let go" function. You should have to climb up and loose the hook if you want it back, effectively limiting abuse and adding the element of choice (If i use the rope here to get across this shaft I can't get it with me...)

If this kind of mechanic is too much work, then I say skip it. Don't make Turner into spider-bunny whatever you do.

A spider-bunny mod would be cool though...

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Re: a rope in OG ?

Post by capn.lee » Wed Jun 09, 2010 4:39 am

how about having ropes as elements in levels but not giving you a grapple?

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Re: a rope in OG ?

Post by Ottster » Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:26 am

if there are ropes then i guess that ladders would also be good as well

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Re: a rope in OG ?

Post by Endoperez » Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:32 am

Ladders would be even easier to do. The rabbits are so good jumpers than they might not be necessary for the player, though.

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Re: a rope in OG ?

Post by WallyWorld » Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:39 am

It would be interesting to see them as a way for the enemy to get pursue you easier, when not fighting other rabbits that can also jump like jedi. I'm sure enemies will be able to jump and climb, but maybe ladders or ropes would allow them to keep up with you easier, making it harder to evade in certain areas and forcing the player to be a little more creative, or just try to not get themselves into a ruff spot being chased by lots of baddies.

Climbing a ladder, rope, or wall, would probably be a little stealthier than making a large jump in some situations too.

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Re: a rope in OG ?

Post by Sumguy720 » Tue Jun 22, 2010 10:42 am

If we're going to have ladders we definitely need shoots.

But as far as rope, I think there should be rope ingame, but rope that is already attached somewhere, just as an environment piece that you can climb and swing on. That way developers can put them in where players would use them, bots would know where they are and where they go, and players won't be given unrealistic senses of rope freedom.

I wonder if rats and dogs will be as good at jumping as rabbits? Maybe adding a rope for rats would be a good jump-replacement.

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Re: a rope in OG ?

Post by Glabbit » Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:03 am

Sumguy720 wrote:I wonder if rats and dogs will be as good at jumping as rabbits? Maybe adding a rope for rats would be a good jump-replacement.
That's actually a damn good point - We can't be having all the animals harnessing equal jumping power - cats could pass, sure, but I don't see dogs, wolves or rats jumping equally high, and that calls for alternative strategies. Considering the rats are supposed to be sneaky merchant-minded bastards anyway, a getaway rope or something similar seems to fit right into their character. Dogs... maybe some axes and/or other climbing equipment? I can totally imagine one of those inventory-laden dogs labouring up a cliff face with a pair of small pickaxes.
Wolves just run around the cliff.

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Re: a rope in OG ?

Post by keen101 » Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:20 am

Has anyone here ever played "Sheep Raider"?

I loved the sheep raider game. My favorite part was hiding in a (movable) bush, and sneaking past the dog when he wasnt looking. Pure loony tunes fun.

It's a fantastic game and Lugru actually reminds me of it. It has a rope if i remember (and other cool items), and the ropes can only be tied to predetermined areas (trees?), but it does not hinder game play at all. Actually the whole point of the game is to solve puzzles, sneak around (in shadows where enemy's cant see you unless your really close, and quietly sneaking), and to use various items (ropes, fans, remote controlled robot, buttons, fences, sheep bell, etc..) to solve problems. It would be awesome if Overgrowth had a few puzzles and items like that. This game also kind of reminds me of "Abes Odyssey" even though it is also a puzzle game.

But, i like the originality of the Lugru universe. The fighting is fun. Although i do look forward to multiplayer mode and more weapons.

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Re: a rope in OG ?

Post by greader » Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:58 am

how about the rope is a weapon that sticks and pivots at the point of contact with walls? That would make it good for stealth missions because then you could coil it up and un-equip it to erase evidence that you were there. You could code it so that you can pull enemies off ledges instead of nosily hopping up.

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Re: a rope in OG ?

Post by Wilbefast » Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:11 am

I liked the grappling hook in Batman: Arkham Asylum. Course, in a game where your enemies don't have guns, it might make things a little unfair...

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