The Gate of Allisand - Map

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The Gate of Allisand - Map

Post by SuXoR » Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:38 pm

So Ive been fiddling around in the editor and finally put together a large fortification. Sorry that I only used one block type for everything (literally), I was more testing out how to move the blocks around and how to set up interesting designs than trying to make it look realistic and pretty. Also, if I went all out on doodads and other details my computer probably would have caught fire. In any case the layout is more or less complete. I'm worried that it'll lag too much to be enjoyable if I detail it more so I'm pretty much done even though many buildings and even sections of the city aren't finished yet. It's time to put this one on the shelf for awhile, so feel free to hop around and have fun. Put more bots in it if you want, there are tons of fun places to have duels.




I also wrote some totally bs background story stuff to the base to give it somewhat of a proper place in the world. (even though medieval architecture probably isn't their thing):

Shatterstone Keep, more commonly known as the Gate of Allisand, lies in the Forgotten Plains between the fertile highlands of the southwest and the desert city of the Eroded Plateau. The large rock formations the keep resides within used to be the modest home of a red fur dog clan, however the region soon became the site of bloody conflict as the cat emperor Kal Tas sought to secure the borders of his desert kingdom. The Emperor made many territorial claims at the height of his power, leading him into conflict with numerous neighboring lords. The plains themselves, while not particularly rich with any mineral or resource, became used by Kal Tas to smuggle weapons and supplies past his enemy's lines. When his convoys through the region soon came under attack from raiders, he dispatched one of his more formidable commanders, Colonel Allisand, to secure the region and establish a fort from which to better patrol and defend the convoys.

Upon arrival, Allisand secured a mutual alliance between her forces and the red fur clan of Shatterstone Hill who had also suffered from the raider's incursion. After establishing a minor fortification beside the dog's village Allisand used the knowledge of her canine allies to line the region with traps and quickly routed the enemy forces.

While Allisand's campaign in the south fared quite well, Kal Tas was not so fortunate. He was assassinated in route from an eastern city and his empire soon divided between the various clans he had warred against. Allisand, not wishing to receive the same fate as her former leader, maintained her forces around the keep and renounced any loyalties to the fallen ruler. The red fur dog clan did not share her sympathies and wished for her removal from the region as the military presence was no longer required. Considering her options, Allisand did the one thing that would assure her continued security - she had the clan killed.

Because the region had proved considerably economical (now that free trade had resumed after the war) she liked the idea of keeping it as her home and soon turned the dog's former village into the larger keep we see today. Shatterstone Keep acted as a conveniently placed trading post and outlier city between multiple clan territories and was the first large (and relatively safe) stop on the road through the stone desert.

Although her fortress came under siege a few times in the years following Kal Tas's demise, the advantageous location of the fortification as well as the easily trappable terrain made any attempts to take the fort far more costly than any of the weakened warlords could afford. As the keep's popularity grew because of the large amount of traders that passed through the region, so did Allisand's wealth. Effectively controlling the easiest trade route to the rocky desert allowed her to gain profit from both travelers and traders who stopped to sell their wares under her supervision. The traders got the benefit of safe passage through the plains and Allisand got the benefit of their purses.

(more a question really... I tried renaming it to something other than PlainsHills_IGF.xml but when I loaded the version with the modified name it couldn't load the sky texture and the entire game was greenish when it opened. Is there something extra I'm supposed to do when I make and save a map? I just wanted it to look like the regular forgotten plains.)

This is the version that works for me, it has the same name as plainshills_igf.xml (default forgotten plains), so you might need to replace yours with it to see the map with textures properly. Sorry about the ghetto upload, when I learn to do it right I'll fix it!! gomen ne! T_T
The map
(1.66 MiB) Downloaded 113 times
Thanks to all the great map makers before me, you've done wonders for the community so I wanted to give back. Hope you enjoy!
Last edited by SuXoR on Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Gate of Allisand - Map

Post by adwuga » Thu Sep 29, 2011 5:03 pm

This is pretty cool!

Too bad about the one block thing though.

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Re: The Gate of Allisand - Map

Post by Anton » Thu Sep 29, 2011 5:18 pm

The reason you can't rename the file is because you are missing the original sky box (by no fault of your own.) I have made all the skyboxes available here, so if you grab the one you are missing and load it into Data/Textures/skies it will fix that problem.
Also, you can upload attachments to the thread up to 2 MB, so you don't need to use an external site. But if you need more than 2 MB I have made my website available for that.

Also, in terms of the "just" using one block, you can use the color picker tool to modify the color, and it won't feel so similar. Select your object and press cmd-p (Mac) or ctrl-p (Win) and you can adjust the color. It makes things varied quite quickly.

(p.s. I hope it's cool, I'll be adding this to my mod...)

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Re: The Gate of Allisand - Map

Post by AndreDinisCTU » Thu Sep 29, 2011 6:08 pm

My first reaction when I saw the pics was: "Wow... Nice view!". :P

From what I can see through your pics this map has to be an awesome one with an epic afternoon landscape with a cool castle. :D

For your first one, SuXoR, not bad... Really, well done!

This map should be immediately included in viewtopic.php?f=13&t=12471#p141026.

I'm going to try it out.

EDIT: The map is cool but I got between 5 and 20 fps at all times. It was breaking at all times.
Last edited by AndreDinisCTU on Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Gate of Allisand - Map

Post by SuXoR » Thu Sep 29, 2011 6:40 pm

Ah thanks a bunch ariehl, I didn't even think to do that. Good idea :P

Thanks andre, hope it's fun!

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Re: The Gate of Allisand - Map

Post by Hale » Sun Oct 16, 2011 4:01 pm

This map is awesome. Sucks that it only has less than a page of comments when it's one of the better maps out there. While yes, using the one block is awkward, you have a real good sense of overall layout and how the map is unified. I like it.

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Re: The Gate of Allisand - Map

Post by Anton » Sun Oct 16, 2011 4:06 pm

By the way, I added this map to my menu mod! Thanks for the awesome map!

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Re: The Gate of Allisand - Map

Post by adwuga » Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:31 pm

I noticed the block stretching, which I don't like. I think Aubrey is going to make the auto repeating texture for these blocks later, so that shouldn't be a problem. I just hope we are able to resize the repeating textures, since a giant wall made of tiny bricks doesn't look so good.

I liked the way you used the rocks, and built around them. Definitely a very good first map, and even a really good not first map if that was the case.

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