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[MAP] Plaza Arena

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 10:37 pm
by xweert123
Well, hello everyone.

The Dialogue Editor is like, really fidgety and almost constantly broken, so i'm kinda just stuck making Arena maps until I can work on my big campaign again.

The map takes place in a small Plaza area based off of cat architecture. The Arena is in no way shape or form big, but it's just big enough to not be cramped. There's 4 "starts" that go into a Hub area, fully nav-meshed with jump nodes and everything; and a couple Arena Configurations; there used to be more, but the game kept locking up or not saving, so essentially this is about as finished as it's gonna get after I tossed in light probes and reflections. It uses default models and props and such, so no need to worry about Incompatibilities.

This also made me want to change the species of who were fighting in the Arenas. No biggie though.

I'd take screenshots but I don't want to give away the entire map because of how small it is; Timbles has been so kind as to take screenshots of it, though. They've been a real big help. So if you're waiting for screenshots, i'd wait until they get around to it.

Re: [MAP] Plaza Arena

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 11:20 pm
by Constance
Jackie said I'd provide screenshots so here.
[+] Screenies

Wait, shit, that's not the screenshot.
Well. Enjoy that image until I actually take screenshots of the level tomorrow.

Re: [MAP] Plaza Arena

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 12:35 pm
by ManWoman
this is pretty good I would just suggest weapons