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Comprehensive list of problems/suggestions [Desperate Gods]

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:02 pm
by ares5566
This is a list of problems and possible fixes I experienced while playing the game Please feel free to add anything or fix anything I may have gotten wrong.

I really have enjoyed playing the game so far and would like to see these small problems fixed.

Problem Cards:

Engrossed priestess: I don't think the person who wins should take damage just
every other player. At least with the one card that makes you take damage if
you win there's a way out in case you have 1 health.

Satisfied Ghoul: Doesn't say that you (or opponent) choose which card gets

Lost Wanderer: I've been interpreting this as 2 players fight to the death. And
it's been working I guess.

Serene Way: The game can never end if people continue to do this forever. You
need either a counter for the person to keep the card or make it so you need a
minimum ammount of health to do this action. Because as long as someone doesn't
want to lose they can keep killing themselves.

Woeful Dryad: This is a complaint for "opponent's choice" in general. If
there's 2 players the other person choses if 4 the three can vote on it but
what about if there's 3? We rolled the one time the two people disagreed.
Perhaps you should roll to see who decides?

Deprived Succubus: If this is the last card it's guaranteed to the person who's
stuck with it unless someone comes in and kills that person. You should lose
health on loss.

Ravenous Staff & Receptive Gem: There are no spells yet both cards reference

Alarmed Knight: 4 damage is a typo as there's no extra hp chips so you can't
exceed three hp.

Reassuring Sphere: Can this be used with any card or only ones that say they
can break?

Unflinching Sword: I'm sorry what? There seems to be two effects here the 2nd
doesn't exactly make sense. Also for the first: "All combat rolls" Does that
mean you never discard it or is it referring to the rare occasion you can roll
two dice? Cause if it's the former this is broken even with that price it
should be a 1 time use which adds 2 or 3 instead.

Problem Spaces:

Trapdoor mirage and any other card/effect that say you move to a certain
space: Do you take part in that spaces effect? I have been.

Labyrinth+Asylum: Do you move the board's back or your new back after hitting
asylum? I'm assuming the latter

Cemetery: What happens if you lose to the card? Do you return it to their pile
or to the deck?

Alter: Do you have to take 2 damage and do this? (seems a bit unfair) Also what is limbo and how much are you taking?

Mirror: Do you take part in the effect of your new space? Most people decided
no but the space doesn't say this. Obviously the player you switch with
wouldn't because it wouldn't end ever.

Other things:

Any kind of movement not related to your original roll: Can you still stop at
town or at occupied spots when you land on a d6 spot or a card that moves you
certain ammounts of spaces?

Killing another player: What happens if you kill a player do you take any of their equipment I've so far played where you take their gold and they keep their stuff. But maybe you should be allowed to take one item? Don't know.


HP chips should auto center themselves over if you pick them up

4 differen't colored dice?(I like having a sort of lucky dice when I play
boardgames also when everyone has to roll it'd make it easier).

Kick/mute/bind/ban: I should have to clear a player before they can touch the
board. I realize you wanted a realistic experience and if someone just walked
up to my board and started throwing things around I would "realisticly" be able
to punch them in the face. So yea naturally I'd like some way to clear people
before they can fuck up my game. And to remove them if I can't do that

Set/remove password at any time: self explanatory.

Chat box should fade after x amount of time

Edited in post:

Server list needs a scroll feature!!! Too many servers can't find specific ones.

You can't back out of the server list once you're in it.

There's no way to tell if a server is private.


When playing full screen if you alt tab alot of graphics mess up and you can no longer read cards.

Re: Comprehensive list of problems/suggestions [Desperate Go

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:50 am
by Puffdot
Good post! :wink:

I'd love to see everything explained, as there is confusion about a good amount of cards and such.

Differently colored dices would be nice, even better if we were able to choose the color of our cursor as well.

Re: Comprehensive list of problems/suggestions [Desperate Go

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:25 am
by Evilcupcake
You do realize.. that they made this with only a base set of rules. you can play your own way however you like. They just gave you an idea to start on. They made it with this intention. Thats why your able to have absolute control with what happens in the game.

Re: Comprehensive list of problems/suggestions [Desperate Go

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 3:11 pm
by ares5566
Evilcupcake wrote:You do realize.. that they made this with only a base set of rules. you can play your own way however you like. They just gave you an idea to start on. They made it with this intention. Thats why your able to have absolute control with what happens in the game.
You do realize... that some cards have literally no usage or don't make sense at all. Or that some make it so that the game will never end so long as there is a stubborn player?

Re: Comprehensive list of problems/suggestions [Desperate Go

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 9:36 pm
by DrFerpect
ares5566 wrote: You do realize... that some cards have literally no usage or don't make sense at all. Or that some make it so that the game will never end so long as there is a stubborn player?
Come on, man. Have some intuition. The 'spell' cards are the scrolls. You can avoid even 4 points of death from the Alarmed Knight with equipment. The Succubus isn't an assured kill if an opponent catches up to you, or if you steal it from his stash with Graveyard. Unflinching sword gives +1 to all attack rolls, and you can reroll your attack die twice per battle. Make up a new rule so that players can't kill themselves to put Serene Way back into the deck.

As for the spaces, you have to do what they say. So you have to take 2 damage from Alter. With Cemetary, if you lose, put it back in their win pile.

It's all pretty simple if you let it be.

Re: Comprehensive list of problems/suggestions [Desperate Go

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:40 pm
by Kiver
Clarification of "limbo" gold for the altar square taken from the official ruleset post :)

"10. If you die in a battle you respawn in the town and lose all your coins. All lost coins go to a separate pile making 'Limbo' pile."

*Edit - A lot more clarifications in that post now that clear up all your queries.

Re: Comprehensive list of problems/suggestions [Desperate Gods]

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2023 4:39 am
by sharase
Developers often release updates and patches to address bugs and improve drift hunters gameplay. Check for any available updates and install them to see if it resolves your issues.