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Re: Look at the comments on the Haphead video!

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 7:01 pm
by EPR89
Phoenixwarrior141 wrote:That still allows for plenty of "They're lying" thoughts in people.

After all, if they supposedly WANTED more money, they wouldn't tell us that, they'd disguise that. They still have plenty of room to be nervous and had this been any other dev, you would too.
Do you consider: "They're lying! Hey guys! We should boycott this lying studio and anything related to it," a constructive response?

There was nothing to suggest that they were lying other than people's paranoia and ill will. If you think that something as disgusting as that should be defended, then we have nothing to talk about here.

And besides, the bulk of the malicious comments was about the whole Gamer Gate thing anyway, which had nothing to do with the video.

Re: Look at the comments on the Haphead video!

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 7:10 pm
by Phoenixwarrior141
No they weren't, the vast majority were about the lack of alpha updates and now they want kickstarter funds.
EPR89 wrote:
There was nothing to suggest that they were lying other than people's paranoia and ill will. If you think that something as disgusting as that should be defended, then we have nothing to talk about here.
7 years without an actual game + Paranoia from recently released Early Access games which were merely scams. That and the fact it seems they were trying to "Double dip" their cash supply with a fake kickstarter.

Again, if this was anyone else you'd be paranoid as fuck.

Re: Look at the comments on the Haphead video!

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:45 pm
by Slycan
I only came to the forum to figure out "Why the heck a kick starter project has gotten such a long red bar attached to it?" upon seeing the comments disabled. I have no idea what is going on but I have a few questions based on what I read so far.

What does this "GamerGate" have to do with OverGrowth Development / the Kickstarter Video / David? What exactly is GamerGate?

My thoughts so far, but I could just be reading stuff the wrong way: David just posted his opinion on twitter about Gamergate and then Gamergate people had a fit about it and started raiding not only the Kick-Starter Video, but David and his project which is OG. accusing him of money hoarding instead giving OG supporters the game they've all thrown 30 bucks?
Also stating he receives new members every time Wolfire uploads a new video gaining profit from those new members(30 bucks a pop) and no actual updates for the members who have already paid full price for an unfinished product, then promoting a kickstarter asking members to drop 50 bucks more?

Like I said, I have NO idea what is going on and I'm not siding with anyone, it seems like one of those situations which I just think the "Pot shouldn't be calling the Pan black", or however that saying goes >_>

Re: Look at the comments on the Haphead video!

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 11:39 pm
by Endoperez
Slycan wrote: -------------
What does this "GamerGate" have to do with OverGrowth Development / the Kickstarter Video / David? What exactly is GamerGate?

Gamergate 101 (sorry, there's no short version):

Thete was a Quinnspiracy on 4chan. Basically, people reacting to a bad ex girlfriend story. It was spun like this:
'she cheated, she makes games, she cheated with game journalists, her game was reviewed/covered by journalists, KOTAKU IS A FEMINIST CONSPIRACY?!1!……'

Btw, her game was not reviewed by the one guy who was a journalist, but it was mentioned. More so in the article months before the alleged cheating.

IT GOT PRETTY BAD. By bad, I mean 4chan and Reddit started censoring related discussion. Tens or hundreds of thousands of views on several Youtube videos about this bad woman. The people involved had been calling for game media to publish their accusations. The accused had left her home in fear, and tweeted about it, which was proof that she had leaked her home address herself. When Kotaku et all wrote about it, they condemned it. Ten or so articles were released during a day, referencing each other.

Especially Gamasutra's article was harsh. Angry words. I remember thinking 'Finally! Can people go home already?'

Adam Baldwin, Firefly actor, had tweeted the quinnspiracy vids a day or so before with twitter tag #gamergate.

The articles were spun as a coordinated bullying campaign against all gamers. Gamergate gathered more steam.

At some point, gamergate has become about lots of people complaining about ethics in game journalism and being very loudly against harassment they for sure aren't doing. A GameJournoList was released where game journalists talk to each other, but I don't read Breitpart so I don't know what gamergaters found out about the details. There were also bomb threats to a university where Anita Sarkeesian, who critizes video games, was about to talk. Death and rape threats. Home info released. Hacked Skype, dropbox etc. stuff of people who spoke against Gamergate. New York Times, Washington Post, some Finnish magazines, BBC news, TIME, The Guardian etc. have published articles about GG equating it with harassment. 4chan has kicked them out rather early on... I still find that hilarious, in a sad way.

Here's a GG blacklist of some of the game media, companies & people who have spoken against (the harassment associated with?) Gamergate: ...

Blizzard recently spoke against harassment that happened these past months.
(Some Gamergaters think Blizzard is actually supporting Gamergate, because feminists and main stream media bully gamers by saying mean things.)

Also it's spun way out of control. Some people who oppose Gamergate are not nice, some harass Gamergate, up to and including doxxing and threats. That's obviously wrong and shouldn't happen to anyone. There's probably third party trolls agitating everyone. However, there's no meeting board if anti-gg, or leaders, or goals besides 'omg go away!'

Oh, and GG has no organization either. No leaders, no member list, nothing. 'He's not a real gamergator, but a feminist shill faking threats to make us look bad, you @%#&?!' The closest they have to a member list is an automated block list of twitter accounts who follow prominent gamergaters, who are not leaders, especially when they hire private investigators to go after the ex-girlfriend developer who is a professional victim and got favourable coverage, or release screenshots of information gotten from hacked dropbox accounts, or, hmm, seems like today they posted proof that a Kotaku article from a few years back presented a lawsuit in a bad way and gave a male developer bad rep.

Whoa, ethics in game journalism! Would love to see more of that!

But I'm biased. I saw the harassment this started with. I don't think having friends who make games is collusion. You could check sites by Gamergaters, which talk about their side. Personally, I am against Gamergate but for better game journalism. ... story.html

Re: Look at the comments on the Haphead video!

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:57 am
by Korban3
This is all the biggest pile of shit I have ever seen in this industry to date.

People need to pull their heads out their asses and stop being douchewaffles to each other online. Who cares who had sex.

Everyone's turned this into a massive shit storm that it didn't need to be and it's really just clogging up the whole experience. Now, not only does every other facet of my life suck complete dick, but I can't even get online and play a game without people getting up in arms about some stupid, trivial bullshit.

EDIT: Don't worry, David. I think most of us got into this willingly anyways. You don't have really anything to apologize for. No one should have to be ostracized and expected to be sorry for stating an opinion.

Re: Look at the comments on the Haphead video!

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:31 pm
by Phoenixwarrior141

Korban got a new fucking avatar?


I'm out.


I lost all reason to live.

I'm gonna go board the Space Hulk as a scrub.

See you in hell.

Re: Look at the comments on the Haphead video!

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 12:17 am
by akazi
Phoenixwarrior141 wrote:Wait.

Korban got a new fucking avatar?


I'm out.


I lost all reason to live.

I'm gonna go board the Space Hulk as a scrub.

See you in hell.
Let me translate this comment for you Korban.

"Nice new avatar you have. I to am fond of pony's."

Re: Look at the comments on the Haphead video!

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 2:40 am
by Korban3
I like it as well.
I swapped when Jesse posted
And then I posted

Re: Look at the comments on the Haphead video!

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 3:15 am
by underthedeep
Korban3 wrote:I like it as well.
I swapped when Jesse posted
And then I posted
I am now an accessory to something dirty and cloppy.

god help me.

Re: Look at the comments on the Haphead video!

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 1:41 pm
by Phoenixwarrior141
akazi wrote:
Phoenixwarrior141 wrote:Wait.

Korban got a new fucking avatar?


I'm out.


I lost all reason to live.

I'm gonna go board the Space Hulk as a scrub.

See you in hell.
Let me translate this comment for you Korban.

"Nice new avatar you have. I to am fond of pony's."
I now feel like a heretic...

Re: Look at the comments on the Haphead video!

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 5:43 pm
by Korban3

Re: Look at the comments on the Haphead video!

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:57 pm
by Phoenixwarrior141
I approve of that joke for reasons you cannot possibly understand.

Re: Look at the comments on the Haphead video!

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 6:08 pm
by Blackavar
Well, at least there will be an Overgrowth update *today* if they follow what they said would happen.

Re: Look at the comments on the Haphead video!

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 8:00 pm
by Stranger
It troubles me the extent to which people like to turn this kind of stuff into such a black and white issue to the point that they try to discredit people who have a history of being pretty fucking credible (i.e. David).

I've been fairly sympathetic to gamergate ideas in the sense that there pretty clearly is a lot of corruption and lack of professional ethics in gaming journalism. I can only care so much, because honestly, I don't pay that much attention to gaming journalism. The journalism needs the gamers, not the other way around.

I've seen much of the GG side of things through reddit, and despite what the opposition tends to claim, they're not a bunch of woman-hating belligerents. Most of them condemn harassment as much as anyone, and tend to associate the anti-GG side of things with harassment, doxxing, and shutting down conversation by calling anyone who doesn't agree with them a misogynist. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

You'll notice a pattern of behavior similar to both sides, which is not helpful in either case. It seems both sides of the argument are intent on seeing the other side through the lens of the worst they have to offer. There's a handful of malcontents and trolls, and both sides have decided that that's all the other side is.

It's becoming harder to sympathize with anyone in this mess, because you get shit like this, which shoots rational argument in the foot. I think, as time goes on, the reasonable people have slowly drifted off from caring due to all the drama. When we get to the point that making any sort of association with one side or the other means people assume you buy completely into the most extreme views possible, even if you said nothing of the kind, then we need to try something new, cause this shit isn't working.

David and TB are right, ditching the labels is probably for the best.

Re: Look at the comments on the Haphead video!

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 10:56 pm
by Endoperez
Good post, Stranger.

I disagree with a few points. Can anti-GG be a side when it has no organization, forums, leaders or goals? When the effects of harassment are visible does it matter that it's caused by just a minority?

The rest of it I more or less agree with.