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overgrowth updateables request pt.2

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:31 pm
by halzoid
Hi, im back, with some more ideas for overgrowth.

Varied counter attacks: some more moves would be pretty good instead of the usual judo flip (and yes that is a counter attack for everyone who says it isn't)

Extra story lines: after the death of the alpha wolf turner returned to the cave place where his friends say he should take the throne, after refusing he leaves the place in search for meaning of his life so it seems that if the story mode was in overgrowth, the first few missions wouldn't be so great, just walking around as turner. But, if the game started out as someone else who found turner, such as fiver or an exploring rabbit in danger, then transitioned over to turner from there it would put emphasis on the legendary Heros return.

Multiplayer: yeah yeah, I know, you have heard it all before but I think that this is a thing that is the most requested about overgrowth and its right to be (although I would rather they finish the story than focus on multiplayer right now).
[+] Game Modes
The possible game modes could be capture the flag, which whilst held attacks like a spear (rabbits must go to each others bases and grab the flag from within).

Deathmatch/team deathmatch (every player has to attack the opposing teams, last standing wins).

Race (all players must try to beat each other to the finish line using parkour/speed skills).

Informant (one team defends the bag, the other takes it and brings it back to base).

assassin (one rabbit must take down everyone else without being killed or found out).

Big bad wolf (one extremely over powered wolf tries to win against every other player).

The predator and the prey (one player has the strength of a wolf but is posing as a rabbit, the other players must find out who, friendly fire enabled).

Story mode (up to four players can go through their own storyline together against AI).

Explorer (five rabbits compete to get the most treasure before the time runs out, if that means killing each other, so be it).