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False Gods. An Overgrowth Fan Fiction.

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 12:18 am
by Phoenixwarrior141
(I have written fan fiction in the past, I also play a lot of Overgrowth. So I decided to make this.

It's written in the same lore as my ongoing map series. It's also not that good but at least I'm trying).

Chapter 1: The Work of a Raven

Marus clenched his spear, looking over the horizon. He lowered his hood as the heavy seaside breeze reminded him the city he intended to defend was on the shoreline. He lowered his black hood, and heard a familiar whisper nearly deafened by the wind "Hey Marus! Over here!" he turned to see a waving rabbit on a large inn, who slid down to ground level. Marus jumped off the wall and landed slightly behind the rabbit "What do you want Nikus?" he said to the Rabbit "Why do you always assume I want something?" Nikus asked while Marus shouldered his weapon "Because you always do" Marus said smiling. Nikus brought them around the city, they had an endless conversation on the politics of the island, until Nikus finally brought them to a tavern, with four thugs in hoods outside, holding swords and daggers of all varieties. "Who are these?" Marus said in disgust "The Order, they run protection rackets against the criminals of this town. They sit outside the establishment, rough up a few people and take half of the day's profits. Decline their assistance and you get killed. The city would be grateful if someone where to kill those sucking their money in exchange for protection against so called rebels." Nikus said slyly "No." Marus said walking away only to be stopped by Nikus "You need to move up in this world. You can't just sit here as a guard till Vesturion cuts you open and hangs you by your entrails? This is a good first step, and a good move for everyone." He whispered "Ravenstone isn't the place you go if you want to move up in this world. It's the place you go if the world has turned it's back to you." Marus growled as he turned around "But... Why not?" he said, then walked over to the thugs. "What do you want?" one sneered spitting near Marus "You got a tongue? Or ya want me to take it outta ya?" a different thug growled taking out a dagger. Marus lounged at the closest thug with one of his two swords, leaving his blade in the thug's neck. Another charged him, he switched his hands for his remaining sword and stabbed the thug in the chest, killing him. The final two thugs charged him, weapons drawn, Marus took out his spear and impaled the first thug, then tossing it into the final thug's neck, killing him. He stood over the corpses, Nikus walked over to him "Well done. I'm sure the city guard will be pleased that one of the largest criminal organizations has been rightfully put down" he said lightly kicking the head of a corpse "Good then. I'm off to do my thing" Marus said, walking over to the corpses to take his weapons back.

Re: False Gods. An Overgrowth Fan Fiction.

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 10:19 pm
by Phoenixwarrior141
Chapter 2: The Wilds Beyond.

Two rabbits in black with armor over their clothing, their black hoods identified them as fellow guards, although Marus did not recognize the faces "You Marus?" one said "Yeah" Marus replied clenching his spear "If you want your reward come pick it up at the Keep. Your actions helped significantly in our efforts to quell The Order. You are due a promotion, but I can't help with that" one said walking off, tossing Marus a small pouch of gold coins "There is far more where that comes from" one of the guards said, trotting next to his companion. Marus picked up the gold, tucked it into his outfit, and walked back to his residence. As he walked into his shabby residence next to the barracks he was stopped by Nikus, who was there waiting for him "Come on, let's go." he said tossing Marus a bag of food "Where? Why?" Marus said dropping the bag "To Legios. Great first step, but it's time we start making powerful friends in high places." Nikus said, taking a small dagger with him as he pulled Marus along. Before long they were outside the city walls, walking through a forest with packs on their backs and swords on their hips. They could easily be mistaken for murderers or bandits fleeing from justice in the woods. The long transit northwestward to the Vesturion capital city was interrupted by growling and barking "Wolves. Stick together. Don't let em tackle you" Marus said hearing the noises. However a loud snarling crippled his tactic, two wolves emerged from seemingly no where and tackled them both. Marus held the head of the barking and growling predator up revealing his neck, he pulled out his long dagger and thrust it into the wolf's neck, followed by him rolling it off of him, leaving his dagger in the predator's throat. He ran over to his friend and ran the wolf through the head with one of his swords, killing it instantly. He looked at his friend who had three large slashes in his cheek "Just a scratch" Nikus said touching his wound "No shi-" Marus growled turning around to see more wolves closing in. He tackled the first wolf and stabbed it through the muzzle with his sword, and cutting the second one diagonally across the second large predator's neck. The duo relaxed for a few seconds, taking a breather after the encounter with the pack.

Re: False Gods. An Overgrowth Fan Fiction.

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 6:07 pm
by Phoenixwarrior141
Chapter 3: Things Change
Korais stood over the edge of the building. Legios was a beautiful, prosperous and expansive city, the guards on the walls were not even visible from the Keep, the tallest part of the city. But he wasn't here for the view, behind him was an opening to the large building he called a temporary residence, he dropped into the structure. In front of him stood four rabbits, his companion Gravit, and Augustus Titus Vesturion V and his two guards. "You ready? It is time." Gravit said, handing Korais a short sword with the crest of the Bronziver family near the hilt. "Kill the Emperor, and then your beloved Cape Hydra colony will be free to exist as they please." Augustus said, leaving the room. Korais put on his outfit, a black hood and cloak with bronze colored lining and left the building. He was going to kill a magnificent man for gold and freedom. He contemplated whether it was worth it. He decided it was wrong, but he knew the ends justified the means, especially if the new emperor was as generous as he stated he was. He entered the keep, avoiding the guards, and climbed up the rafters until he was over the Emperor. He fell down, stabbing on guard in the stomach before stabbing another in the front of the neck. "I'm sorry but I have to do this" Korais said stabbing the Emperor in the right side of his neck. The emperor's words died in his throat as Korais moved the knife up and down, causing a large gash in the emperor's throat. He simply walked out as guards ran past him to see the commotion.

Re: False Gods. An Overgrowth Fan Fiction.

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 5:36 pm
by Phoenixwarrior141
Chapter 4: The Stark Contrast of the New Ruler
Korais entered the building, the knightly dog guards stood by Augustus, broadswords in hand. The noble rabbit himself holding an ornate short-sword, decorated with hold wrappings and small jewels, worth enough to turn a small village into a large town or the solve economic problems of the Vigil Alliance. "Ah, my boy! Is it done yet?" Gravit said, clapping "Yes it is done. Thank the gods for Augustus getting the guards out of the way, or else we'd all be dead right now" Korais said, shooting an uneasy glance toward Augustus. "Very well, I'll see to it your payment is delivered and your colony is placed under statehood." Augustus growled, a smirk on his face while Korais narrowed his eyes. "Until then, I'll have my men assault the Bronziver estate. Claim all of their belongings for you and hang them for treason on behalf of the now deceased Emperor. Good day" Augustus continued as his conniving glare shot across the room, and the duo knew that they have done the bidding of someone who wouldn't pay in return, without collateral in advance. Like the minions they were regarded as. And even more expendable. The two knights held their weapons up in preparation, knowing that the duo would see to it more blood on their hands if they thought they had been ripped off. Augustus paid the two rabbits no mind as his guards readied swords to deal with them, and walked out of the building, silently. "Get out. Now." One guard said, pointing his sword toward the exit "And leave all weapons here." The two assassins left the building, kicking themselves for not seeing this sooner.

Re: False Gods. An Overgrowth Fan Fiction.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:49 pm
by DaveEscape
Well done. :)
I would just recommend breaking into lines and paragraphs. Would make it easier to read.

Re: False Gods. An Overgrowth Fan Fiction.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 1:22 pm
by Phoenixwarrior141
DaveEscape wrote:Well done. :)
I would just recommend breaking into lines and paragraphs. Would make it easier to read.
Thanks, next chapter I'll take this into account.

And er... I should... Probably make the actual map for the series that is hanging on by a thread.

Re: False Gods. An Overgrowth Fan Fiction.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 12:15 am
by Phoenixwarrior141
Chapter 5: The Gates of Legios Part 1

Marus and Nikus stood at the gates of the Vesturion capital, Legios, hustle and bustle among guards on the wall, though they were blissfully ignorant as to the cause. The gate soon opened and hordes of well armored guards ran about, there was little they knew about this strange occurrence. They mingled among the crowds until they found an inn, walking through the front door they found an empty "Lobby" with a few chairs and what seemed to be a bar from the past, unique and expensive wood on the bar in contrast to the cheap wooden stools near it, a version of concrete or stone that only Vesturion could make was about the walls, places where booths used to sit were removed, the inn seemed oddly familiar. "One room, two beds, how much?" Marus asked suspiciously, "20 gold a night, each." The one eyed dog inn-keeper said "Deal, which room?" Marus asked, "First one on your right, second floor." The innkeeper said.

With that, Marus and Nikus walked up to their room, which was divided into two sections with a bed in each. They each took their beds and went to sleep, resting after their long but uneventful journey. When they awoke the city was much calmer, though it was still restless, but it seemed more welcoming, at least for a Vesturion city.