Age Group of OG

Anything related to Wolfire Games and/or its products
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Re: Age Group of OG

Post by Viking Zippy » Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:53 pm

Jeff wrote:I think Facebook fans are biased towards older people, since Facebook is extremely popular among college students.
That it is, but mainly because it was originally created for college students and steadily branched out to include students in general, and then anyone, regardless of age group.

However, those students won't always be at college, and there will always be more students beginning to attend college, so if that "bias" is applied to potential fans, we'll have an ever-expanding population of Overgrowth players. Could work :)
Fournine wrote:I've been gaming for over 20 years. I'm 23.
If Crystal Quest on a Mac Plus counts, you've got me beat by two years — I'm 22 and played it at 4 :D

Also, can anyone confirm the Mac in the blog post on tips for becoming a game developer? Looks as though it's a Mac Plus, but lots of Macs from around that time looked like a Mac Plus :P

By the way Fournine, what enticed you to make such an unexpected return after nary a post in a year and a half absence? Either way, good to see you back 8)
Healey wrote:Ah, I must have been two, playing Bugdom, the awesomest game ever(besides OG/Lugaru) on that 400MHz iMac...
You were two when you played Bugdom? Wow, I was 12 when I was playing that on my beloved iBook SE ... if that makes me feel old, I shudder at the thought of people who played much older systems when they were my age :P
Assaultman67 wrote:I played bugdom ... i kicked ass ... the dragonfly level was awesome ...
Oh god, the dragonfly level? It took me what felt like hours to get up to that point, and after having a horrendously difficult time in the level, a glitch got me stuck in a wall, and I couldn't get out without losing all my progress ... I never touched the game again :P

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Re: Age Group of OG

Post by Fournine » Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:57 pm

I started gaming with a game my dad wrote for me to play, on some old, old system.
And then we got an NES.

Honestly, I returned because I have so much free time here at work. I usually have a digestion step or incubation step to wait for, and if I don't have a journal article to read and review, I end up reading wikipedia or medical information sites.

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Re: Age Group of OG

Post by Wilbefast » Tue Nov 17, 2009 5:34 am

I remember floppy disks and Ms-DOS (Jet Fighter anyone?), then Spectre, SimCity and Flashback on Mac at school, before they decided that we were having to much fun and replaced them all with "educational" games.
Then all the other kids were playing Mario on gameboy and wouldn't let me have a go because they wanted to save batteries, and they had Ocarina of Time and Starcraft and Super Smash Brothers at home years before my brothers and I got hold of this mod-chipped Playstation that some derro neighbor of our's had probably stolen. And the games were always freezing because they were copies of things we'd borrowed from the local video shop - so you'd clean them 18 times and cross your fingers and your toes and get 5 minutes of uninterrupted game before it froze again...
Then I did a paper round for 9 months so I could save up and buy the parts to build my first computer, from a flea market full of people trying to rip you off.

Ah! Memories!

Now days all the kids have iPhones and iPods and I don't even own a watch, let alone a mobile (**** that ****) - some things never change :wink:

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Re: Age Group of OG

Post by Fournine » Tue Nov 17, 2009 1:09 pm

While I wasn't that deprived of fresh technology as a youth, I can relate to your final statement.

All I have is an old phone that I just use for making calls. There's a camera function and basic SMS, but they're more like oddly-shaped screwdriver attachments I don't bother to use. I don't understand the appeal - or apparent addictive reliance - of the iPhone or Blackberry.

Similarly, I prefer having a grounded desktop computer. I find mobility unimportant, and prefer the interface, power, and ability to tinker and maintain that comes with a desktop.

... I also have a ball mouse. Optical mice don't appeal to me for some reason.

Damn, I think I became an old-timer.
Well, I'll always have my Yaesu VX-7R Ham radio.

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Re: Age Group of OG

Post by Wilbefast » Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:46 am

I bought my radio for 2€ at a flea market - I get the feeling that it's older than me :P

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Re: Age Group of OG

Post by Assaultman67 » Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:58 pm

Wilbefast wrote:Now days all the kids have iPhones and iPods and I don't even own a watch, let alone a mobile (**** that ****) - some things never change :wink:
If it makes you feel better, i don't own a cellphone ...

I do own a watch but it cost me $10 and it was not waterproof as suggested on the packaging, so some of the lcds are not working :shock:

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Re: Age Group of OG

Post by Count Roland » Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:55 am

I use my grandfathers pocket watch, and the only cellphone I even have in my house is from the 1980's and the size of my head.

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Re: Age Group of OG

Post by Wilbefast » Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:53 pm

Count Roland wrote:I use my grandfathers pocket watch, and the only cellphone I even have in my house is from the 1980's and the size of my head.
respec' bruddah' :mrgreen:

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Re: Age Group of OG

Post by Armored Wolf » Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:54 pm

assualtman67 wrote: If it makes you feel better, i don't own a cellphone ...

I do own a watch but it cost me $10 and it was not waterproof as suggested on the packaging, so some of the lcds are not working :shock:

Did it say it was "water-resistant"? 8)

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Re: Age Group of OG

Post by kehaar » Sun Nov 22, 2009 10:24 pm

Count Roland wrote:I use my grandfathers pocket watch, and the only cellphone I even have in my house is from the 1980's and the size of my head.
haha --awesome. It was sooooo cool when it was new, too. Does it still work? --The phone, I mean. :D

you could make almost anyone laugh by pulling it out of your jacket and answering a call. :lol:

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Re: Age Group of OG

Post by Count Roland » Sun Nov 22, 2009 10:30 pm

I guess it might work if I paid for a plan for it again.

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Re: Age Group of OG

Post by Assaultman67 » Mon Nov 23, 2009 1:56 pm

I don't think those even use the same protocol as regular cellphones :shock:

... And the box said waterproof :evil:

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Re: Age Group of OG

Post by blood-shard » Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:30 pm

The first ever game i think ive played as a kid must have been a 2D game about knights called moonstone i think :D it was classic and when 3D graphics kicked in and the first consoles were out the first game in 3d i had was MGS.

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Re: Age Group of OG

Post by Untadaike » Wed Nov 25, 2009 1:02 pm

The first game I ever played was either minesweeper, or civII. I sucked at both.

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Re: Age Group of OG

Post by Anton » Wed Nov 25, 2009 1:55 pm

The first game I remember playing was "Le Manz" on a Commodore 64. I think I must have been 3 or 4... (27 years ago...) and it was so strange that you "had" to hook it up to the tv... I also spent HOURS playing a "table top" version of Donkey Kong Jr.
coleco_tabletop_dkjr.jpg (17.99 KiB) Viewed 8485 times
That was crazy because it used natural light to illuminate the color LCD screen.

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